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Cards (7)

  • XYY theory in criminology is when males born with an extra Y chromosome are are more inclined to aggressive and antisocial behaviour. > potentially increasing their likelihood of engaging in criminal activities.
  • Advantages of XYY Theory
    1. This theory is supported by other research: XXY men are rare on the general population but are more common in the offender population.
    2. Alder et al (2007) indicated possible aggression and violent behaviour is at least partially determined by genetic factors.
    3. Uses scientific methodology effectively and is partly proven through criminals in the prison population.
  • Disadvantages of XYY Theory
    1. Genetic abnormalities are spread amongst the population and they don’t all commit crime - doesn’t explain aggression.
    2. Ignores other aspects of behavioural approaches and causes of aggression.
    3. Theilgard (1984) - researched traits of XXY and XY men and found no correlation to aggression that could cause criminality.