As kings gained their authority from God, royal authority was supreme above any powers including the Pope, therefore Henry wouldn't need the Pope's approval for an annulment
1529eligious legislation - Parliament encouraged to voice anti-clerical feelings, Cromwell began collecting "evidence of abuse" within the Catholic Church
Religious legislation - Revival of the medieval law of praemunire, 15 of the upper clergy were charged with supporting Wolsey's abuse against the ming King
Religious legislation - English clergy as a whole charged with praemunire, Henry only agreed to pardon their offense after they "voluntarily" offered a grant of £100,000, he demanded they recognise him as the Protector and Supreme Head of the English Church
Religious legislation - Act of Parliament passed to stop the payment of annates to Rome, Cromwell introduced the Supplication against the Ordinaries with complaints about excessive costs and delays in church courts, Henry demanded the Church agree to the Submission of the Clergy giving him power to veto church laws and choose bishops
Religious legislation - The Act in Restraint of Appeals, Henry had imperial jurisdiction and the final say on legal judgments, Catherine could not appeal to Rome against her marriage annulment
Religious legislation - The Act of Succession, The Act of Supremacy, Treason Act - couldn't call Henry a heretic, schismatic, tyrant, infidel or usurper of the crown
Only John Fisher refused the oath of succession, other potential opponents received little help from Rome, when Clement acted decisively it was too late and may have provoked Henry into executing him sooner