Social Influence Paper 1

Cards (48)

  • What is conformity?
    Process of yielding to the majority influence due to real or imagined group pressure
  • Types of conformity
    • Compliance - publicly conforming to behaviours/views of others
    • Internalisation - private change of views to match the group
    • Identification - adopting views/behaviours both publicly and privately when member of the group
  • Explanations for conformity
    • Normative social influence - need to be accepted by others, leads to compliance
    • Informative social influence - need to be correct, leads to internalisation
  • Evaluation for explanations of conformity
    • ISI supported by Sherif
    • NSI supported by Asch
    • Lucas et al supports ISI as there was greater conformity to incorrect answers when the questions were more difficult
    • Individual differences in ISI and NSI explanations, e.g Asch found students were less conformist than other types of people
  • Sherif's Study
    • investigated the emergence of group norms using the autokinetic effect
    • When participants were tested individually, they gave very similar estimates each time, but they were very different to each others' guesses.
    • When they worked in groups of three, their estimates converged until a group norm emerged, showing that in ambiguous situations, the participants looked to others in the group for guidance (ISI)
  • Evaluation of Sherif
    • Asch argued that the experiment did not test for true conformity because Sherif's autokinetic effect was an ambiguous task where there was no clear right or wrong answer
    • Lacks ecological validity
  • Asch's Study
    • investigated whether individuals would yield to majority influence
    • In groups with 6-8 confederates and asked what lines are the same lengths
    • In 12 out of 18 trials, confederates gave the wrong answers, and participants were observed for conforming to the wrong answer
  • Results from Asch's study
    • Participants gave the wrong answer in 32% trials
    • 74% conformed at least once
    • Asch concluded that even when faced with a task where the correct answer is clear, the need to fit in with the majority can cause an individual to give the same answer as the confederates on a significant number of occasions
  • Variables affecting conformity
    1. Group size = when majority was 2, conformity dropped to 12.8%, but increasing the majority, conformity did not extend beyond 32 %
    2. Unanimity = If a confederate gave answers different to the majority, conformity dropped to 5 %
    3. Task Difficulty = when the task was more difficult, conformity increased
  • Evaluation of Asch's study
    • Lacked ecological validity
    • The sample used was ethnocentric - collectivist cultures show much higher levels of conformity than individualistic
    • The sample was beta biased
    • may not be applicable to contemporary Western society due to the experiment taking place in the McCarthy era when non-conformity was discouraged
  • Zimbardo's Stanford Prison Experiment
    • investigated how readily people conform to the expectations they have about social roles
    • used a volunteer sample of 'normal' American males
    • Volunteers were randomly allocated to the roles of prisoners or guards
    • Prisoners = stripped given smocks to wear and their prison number to memorise
    • Prison guards = wore khaki uniforms, dark glasses and carried wooden batons
  • Results from Zimbardo's experiment
    • Guards harassed the prisoners and conformed to their roles so well that the study had to be stopped after 6 days
    • Prisoners rebelled against the guards after 2 days, which the guards stopped with fire extinguishers
    • Some prisoners became depressed and anxious, with many having to leave the study early
    • Zimbardo concluded that the ‘prison environment’ was an important factor in creating the guards’ brutal behaviour
    • People will readily conform to the social roles they are expected to play
  • Evaluation of Zimbardo's study
    • High control over some variables, e.g. participants
    • Participants may have been play-acting rather than conforming, e.g. one of the guards claimed he based his role on a brutal character from a film he had seen
    • However, Zimbardo found that 90% of the prisoner’s conversations were about prison life, suggesting the situation was real to the participants, thus it had high internal validity
    • Unethical, made worse by the fact that Zimbardo appeared to lose sight of the harm being done as he played the role of the prison ‘chief superintendent’
  • What is obedience?

    acting in response to a direct order from an authority figure
  • Milgram's study of obedience
    • wanted to find out whether ordinary Americans would obey an unjust order from a person in an authority figure
    • Sample of 40 male volunteers, thinking they were studying the role of punishment in learning
    • The participant always had the teacher’s role and a confederate played the role of the learner
    • The had to administer a shock every time the learner made a mistake.
    • Shocks rose in 15 V increments to 450 V
  • Results from Milgram's study
    • All participants went to 300 volts
    • 65% went to 450 volts
    • Most participants found the procedure very stressful and wanted to stop, with some showing signs of extreme anxiety
    • Milgram concluded that under certain circumstances, most will obey orders that go against their conscience, suggesting it is situational factors that lead to crimes of humanity
  • Evaluation of Milgram's work
    • may lack internal validity as participants may not have believed that they were really giving electric shocks and were simply going along with the experiment
    • Lacks ecological validity as the artificial nature of the experiment may mean it doesn’t reflect real-life obedience
    • Unethical
    • Criticised for being androcentric and ethnocentric, thus ungeneralisable to women and people from other cultures
  • Explanations for obedience - legitimacy of authority
    • people feel obligated to those in authority because they respect their credentials
    • Legitimate power is held by authority figures, giving them the right to exert control over the behaviour of others and they accept it.
    • people are willing to give up their independence and to hand control of their behaviour over to the authority figure.
    • E.g. when there was legitimacy of authority (prestigious college), obedience was 65%; however, when the legitimacy of the authority was questioned (seedy offices), obedience dropped to 47.5 %
  • Evaluation of legitimacy of authority
    • Some researchers found legitimacy of authority was the main reason why people obeyed in the Milgram study
    • Can explain cultural differences in obedience. For example in an Australian replication only 16 % obeyed whereas 85 % of Germans did so, showing that there are cultural differences in what is accepted as legitimate authority and therefore what demands obedience
    • can explain real-life war crimes , such as the My Lai Massacre in Vietnam
  • Explanations for obedience - the agentic state
    • People obey authority because they do not take responsibility for their behaviour.
    • They move from an autonomous state to the agentic state, where they see themselves as the agents and not responsible for their actions, (‘ agentic shift’)
    • they experience anxiety when they realise what they are doing is wrong but feel powerless
    • E.g. when participants were told the responsibility was shifted to a confederate who flicked the switch, obedience rose to 92.5 %, suggesting they were operating on the agentic level
  • Evaluation of the agentic state
    • cannot explain why some people do not obey or why some who make the agentic shift do not always show signs of stress at doing so.
    • cannot explain why people obey when there is no agentic shift made
  • Situational Variables affecting obedience - Proximity
    • how close a person is to another person
    • E.g. when teacher and learner were together a close proximity, obedience fell to 40 %
    • E.g. when teacher gave instructions over the phone, obedience fell to 20.5 %
    • suggests that how close we are to a person who we may be hurting due to obedience affects our willingness to obey, as does our distance from the person giving the instruction
  • Situational Variables affecting obedience-Location
    • where the obedience is taking place
    • E.g. when the experiment took place in seedy offices rather than the prestigious Yale university, obedience fell to 47.5 %
    • suggests the participants felt there was less authority linked to this location and therefore disobeyed
  • Situational Variables affecting obedience - uniform
    • what the authority figure is wearing, linking to legitimacy of authority
    • E.g. Bickman found that people were twice as likely to obey the confederate dressed as a security guard than the one dressed in jacket and tie
  • Authoritarian personality
    • They have an extreme respect for those in authority, and are hostile towards those they consider inferior and have highly conventional attitudes
    • believe we need strong and powerful leaders to enforce traditional values
    • this personality started in childhood, as a result of harsh parenting, characterised by strict discipline and conditional love
    • these experiences create hostility, but the child cannot express this towards the parents because of a fear or punishment, so the fears are displaced onto those who are perceived to be weaker
  • Adorno's research
    • investigated the causes of the obedient personality using 2000 middle-class, white Americans.
    • He assessed their attitudes towards racial groups, using the F-scale questionnaire.
    • Those scoring highly tended to have authoritarian personality characteristics
    • Adorno’s research suggests that having an authoritarian personality makes it more likely that a person will be obedient, supporting his theory.
  • Evaluation of the Authoritarian personality
    • Milgram found that the most obedient participants in his study were those who had the authoritarian personality.
    • However, Milgram’s finding is correlational so it cannot be concluded that having an authoritarian personality causes high obedience.
    • There could be a third factor involved, e.g. lower level of education.
    • The authoritarian personality cannot explain why so many people are obedient at the same time, e.g. soldiers in Holocaust which seems highly unlikely.
    • Adorno’s research is also just based on correlations, weakening the explanation
  • Explanations of resistance to social influence - social support
    • the presence of people who resist pressures to conform or obey act as models to show that resistance is possible
  • Social support - resisting conformity
    • The pressure to conform can be reduced if there are other people who are not conforming.
    • This makes the individual feel more confident in their own decision and more confident in rejecting the majority.
    • This was demonstrated Asch’s study, when the participant was in a group with a confederate who gave the correct response, conformity dropped from 32 % to 5.5 %
  • Evaluation of social support - resisting conformity
    • In Asch's study, when the ‘dissenter’ gave the other incorrect response, conformity dropped to 9 %.
    • Asch’s research is a laboratory experiment which means the explanation may lack ecological validity
    • Asch’s research was conducted on males and therefore his results may not apply in the same way to females; meaning his evidence for social support may lack population validity.
    • Asch’s results may be due to the fact he was testing Americans at a time when anti-conformity was discouraged, so the explanation may therefore lack temporal validity.
  • social support - resisting obedience
    • The pressure to obey can be reduced if another disobeys.
    • The person acts as a model for the participant to copy that frees them to act from their own conscience.
    • In one of Milgram’s variations, two confederates joined the participant, and when the confederates refused to continue, obedience fell to 10 %.
  • Evaluation of social support - resisting obedience
    • Gamson found that 88% of participants disobeyed when there were others who also disobeyed.
    • Gamson’s research is likely to have had a high level of realism, suggesting the social support explanation is externally valid.
    • Gamson’s results are also likely to be free from demand characteristics, therefore, his results are more likely to be internally valid, suggesting the social support explanation may also be valid.
    • However, there could have been many other reasons for the disobedience shown e.g. conformity to the disobedience of the group.
  • resistance-LOC
    • Locus of control refers to individual differences in people’s beliefs about what controls events in their lives
    • Those with internal LOC believe that what happens to them is a consequence of their own behaviour, they are self-confident. Someone with an internal LOC accepts responsibility for their actions thus are less likely to conform/obey.
    • Those with external LOC tend to believe that things happening are uncontrollable. Luck and fate are important. Those with a strong external LOC believe their actions have little impact and are more likely to conform/obey
  • Evaluation of LOCs
    • African-American college students who participated in civil rights activities in the early 1960’s were high on internal LOC
    • A meta analysis showed those who had an external locus of control were more easily persuaded and likely to conform
    • A replication of Milgram’s study found that 37 % of internals refused to obey, compared to 23 % of externals.
    • However, an analysis of data from obedience studies over a 40 years showed that people have become more resistant to obedience but also more external, suggesting LOC may not be the only factor in resisting social influence.
  • Minority influence

    Minority influence refers to situations where one person or a small group of people influence the beliefs and behaviours of other people.
  • minority influence - commitment
    • minorities are more powerful if they demonstrate commitment to their cause, e.g., by making personal sacrifices.
    • This is effective because it shows the minority is not acting out of self-interest.
  • minority influence - flexibility
    • Nemeth said that consistency is not the only important factor in minority influence because it can be interpreted negatively.
    • Being extremely consistent and repeating the same arguments and behaviour can be seen as rigid and inflexible.
    • This is off-putting to the majority and unlikely to result in persuasion.
    • Therefore, the minority should be prepared to adapt their point of view
    • They need to find a balance between consistency and flexibility.
  • minority influence - consistency
    • this is when the minority keep to the same argument to try and persuade others.
    • Being consistent makes others think that the minority know what they are talking about and so are persuaded.
    • Consistency can involve synchronic consistency, where all of the minority say the same thing, or diachronic consistency, where they remain consistent over time.
  • evaluation of minority influence
    • There is research to support that consistency can be used by minorities to persuade a majority
    • a meta-analysis found that minorities who were seen as being consistent were most influential.
    • There is evidence that using consistency, commitment or flexibility can cause people to think more deeply about an argument and to therefore be persuaded, e.g. Martin et al
    • there are many factors that can affect whether people are persuaded by an argument that are not considered
  • Minority influence - Moscovici et al
    • 6 participants looked at 36 blue coloured slides that varied in intensity and then stated whether the slides were blue or green.
    • In each group there were 2 confederates who consistently said the slides were green on 2 / 3 of the trials.
    • The participants gave the same wrong answer on 8.4% of the trials, 32 % gave the same wrong answer as the minority on at least one trial.
    • A second group of participants were exposed to an inconsistent minority and agreement fell to 1.25 %.