Separated psychology from philosophy by analyzing the workings of the mind in a more structured way, with the emphasis being on objective measurement and control
1. Highly trained assistants would be given a stimulus such as a ticking metronome and would reflect on the experience
2. They would report what the stimulus made them think and feel
3. The same stimulus, physical surroundings and instructions were given to each person (standardisation being a key feature of modern scientific research)
Learning by association. A neutral stimulus, when paired with a second stimulus can, by association, elicit the same response as the second stimulus could by itself
Children who observed an adult being praised for aggressive behaviour towards a Bobo doll later imitated the aggressive behaviour, while children who observed the adult being punished showed the least aggression
Emphasises reciprocal determinism - we are not merely influenced by our environment, but we also exert an influence upon it, through the behaviour we chose to perform