Word Classes

Cards (17)

  • Determiners:
    introduces a noun
    • Possessives: Mine, yours, hers, etc.
    • Demonstratives: this, that, those, there
    • Definite article: The
    • Numerical: (number of nouns), one apple, the second time
  • Determiners:
    introduces a noun
    • Indefinite articles: a/an
    • Quantifiers: (actual number not stated) - a few, many, a lot
  • Conjunctions:
    joins clauses together
    • Coordinative conjunction: Used to join clauses of equal value
    [For, and, but, nor]
    "He went to the park AND watched pigeons fly"
    • Subordinating conjunction: Joins clauses of unequal value
    [If, although, whilst, when]
    I was sad UNTIL I went into A-Level english language
  • Pronouns
    • Singular pronoun:
    One thing
    [I, me, mine, her]
    • Plural pronoun:
    Reference to multiple things
    [Their, we, them]
  • Verbs:
    a word used to describe an action of a noun
    • [ACTIVE VERB]: subject/person DOES the action of verb
    "The dog chewed the bone"
    • [PASSIVE VERB]: Subject receives the action of verb
    "The bone was chewed by the dog"
  • Verbs
    a word used to describe an action of a noun
    • [Main Verb]: Verb that carried the most meaning
    "He should have EATEN his greens"
    • [Transitive verbs]: Verb followed by subject (thing receiving action of word)
    "I was EATING CAKE"
    • [Intransitive verb]: a verb not followed by a subject
    "I was EATING..."
    • [Auxiliary Verbs]: supporting main verb
    "He CAN have pudding after he HAS eaten his greens"
    • [Modal Verbs]: range of attitudes towards likely hood of event, shows ability, intention, permission and prediction
    [Can, could, may, might, must, shall, should]
  • Adverbs
    Gives info about verbs and adjectives
    "Kirsten is an EXTREMELY good dancer"
    • Manner: How something is done "slowly"
    • Frequency: How often something is done "Often"
    • Degree: to what intensity something is done "very", "quite"
    • Time: When something is done "tomorrow"
    • Place: where/what direction something has gone "backwards", "forwards"
    • Comment: adding an opinion to clause or phrase "Fortunately"
  • Phrases:
    • [Noun Phrase]: Groups of words which revolve around noun
    "The eerie, abandoned house"
    • [Adverbial Phrase]: groups of verbs that describes a function like an adverb
    "Teri ran AS FAST AS SHE COULD"
    • [Prepositional Phrase]: begins with preposition and ends with noun, tells you position/location of something
    "The mouse hid UNDER THE WARDROBE"
    • [Verb Phrase]: consists of main and auxiliary verb
    "The brown cow IS JUMPING over the fence"
  • Clauses:
    • [main clause]: contains subject performing a verb - "lily ran"
    • [subordinate clause]: gives additional info / supports main clause - "ALTHOUGH SHE WAS CLUMSY, Harriet caught the ball"
    • [Relative clause]: type of subordinate cause - "My friend Axel, WHO LOVES FOOTBALL, practices every evening" (where, who, where, which)
  • Sentence classification:
    • Declarative: gives information
    • Imperative: gives orders and instructions (starts w/ verb)
    • Interrogatives: asks questions
    • Exclamative-express: exclamation mark
  • Sentence Types:
    • [COMPOUND SENTENCE]: two independent clauses linked by coordinating conjunction
    "I went to Manchester THEN I went to Liverpool"
    • [COMPLEX SENTENCE]: main clause and a subordinate clause linked by a subordinating conjunction
    "The workers left the building WHEN they heard"
    • [COMPOUND-COMPLEX SENTENCE]: two coordinating clauses connected by a coordinating conjunction and at least one subordinate clause
    "Some children went home early BUT others remained BECAUSE the had no transport"
  • Sentence Types:
    • [MINOR SENTENCE]: complete and meaningful statement that don't have subject & verb combo
    "Goodbye", "Sounds good"
    • [SIMPLE SENTENCE]: must have subject and verb that expresses complete thought
    "The SNOW FALLS"
  • Adjuncts:
    integral part of sentence and provides reader with additional info to that contained in subject, verb, object or complement
    • WHERE: [In the park, Over the hill]
    • WHEN: [At midnight - time, duration, frequency]
    • WHY: [Because of rain, since he left - reason/purpose]
    • HOW: [In silence, angrily, with a smile - manner/means]
  • Conjuncts:
    adverbial phrases, words, clauses that connects different sections of text, cohesive function that help text flow by giving continuity to earlier info
  • Disjunct:
    adverbial verb, phrases & clauses
    enable speaker to express belief / opinion
    [In my opinion, unfortunately, of course]
  • Phrases:
    Noun phrases:
    • head words
    • determiner
    • qualifiers
    • Modifiers (adverbs)
    Verb phrases:
    [Primary auxiliary]
    added to main verb to show time tenses
    • "I AM going mad, I HAD eaten a bad meal"
    [Modal auxiliary verb:]
    Shows certainty or importance of something
    • I will leave at 10PM, I MIGHT have dinner
  • Adjectives: a word that describes a noun
    • attributive: adjective comes before a noun - ferocious beast
    • predicative: adjective comes after noun - it was majestic and vibrant
    • comparative: compares one subject to another - I bet last year was GREATER THAN..."
    • superlative: describes one noun to maximum emphasis - [greatest, strongest,]
    • evaluative: evaluates noun in positive or negative way - [great, awful dreadful]