A spotlight with a softedge, fresnels coveralotofarea and allow somecontrol over the beam angle.
LIGHTING: flood light
A fixed beam producing a strongflood of lighting with a soft wash.
LIGHTING: profile spot
The traditionalspotlight. These are ideal for highlightingsingleperformers.
Gobos (or ‘goesbeforeoptics) are essentially stencils which sitoutside of the fixture. This allows you to projectshapes, such as trees or windows, effectively.
LIGHTING POSITIONS: front lighting
This provides a primarysource of illumination. Set the overheadangle at 45degrees to ensure facialexpressions are welllit and shadows are eliminated.
This is especially effective for danceperformances and highlights the arms, torso, legs and the side of the face.
LIGHTING POSITIONS: high side lighting
This highlights the toppart of the body including the head, neck, shoulders and arm. Ideally placed at a 30-60 degree angle.
Separates a performer or prop from the background to achieve a 3D effect.
STAGE: thrust stage
A stage that extends into the audience on three sides and is connected to the backstagearea by its upstage end. Has greater intimacy between performers and audience than a proscenium.
STAGE: proscenium arch
A stage that creates a window around the scenery and performers. Gives everyone in the audience a goodview because the performers need to only focus on one direction rather than continuallymovingaround the stage to give a good view from all sides.
STAGE: in-the-round
Any theatre space in which the audience surrounds the stagearea. More experimental and dynamic - BRECHTIAN
STAGE: traverse
A form of theatrical stage in which the audience is predominantly on twosides of the stage. Intimate and allows the actors to use the audience for effect.