free will and determinism

Cards (8)

  • Free Will
    we are self determining, biological and environmental influences can be rejected, the humanistic approach
  • Hard determinism
    all human behaviours have a cause
  • soft determinism
    freedom within restricted range of choices
  • biological determinism
    autonomic nervous system cause stress response, genes cause mental health problems
  • environmental determinism
    we are the sum of reinforcement contingencies: free will is an illusion
  • psychic determinism
    behaviour cause by unconscious childhood conflicts
  • AO3 -
    excuse for immoral behaviour - Mobley - claimed he was 'born to kill' due to history of family violence

    biological and environmental determinism unable to explain depressions and intelligence on its own
  • AO3 +

    + determinism led to development of drug treatments eg Sz and depression drugs

    + free will has practical value - Roberts - adolescents with a strong belief in fatalism were more at risk of depression