
Cards (9)

  • Limiting factors refers to factors (abiotic and biotic), that can constrain a population size, slowing or even stopping it grow.
  • Carrying capacity is a species average population size in a particular habitat.
  • Green house effect;
    • solar energy passes through the atmosphere and warms the earth.
    • heat will eventually leave surface and return to space.
    • some of this heat is trapped in atmosphere.
    • these gases (CO2 and methane) help keep the earth warm.
  • Ocean currents;
    • as temp increases, polar caps melt. This sends freshwater into the ocean, changing salinity and movement of water
  • Sea ice and permafrost;
    • Increased temp leads to sea ice melting.
    • sea ice reflects radiation back to the atmosphere.
    • if this melts, global temp will increase.
    • permafrost has an abundance of CO2 stored within.
    • if this melts, more greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
  • Loss of biodiversity;
    • temps increase which causes environment change.
    • animals have adapted to certain temps.
    • too hot= animals cant survive or leave habitat.
    • this can alter food chain or lead to an increase in competition.
  • Carbon Tax;
    • a process intended to make the social costs of carbon emissions from businesses visable.
    • they can purchase allowance or trade credits.
  • Fire;
    • removes nitrogen by volatilization, increasing ammonia in the soil through decomposition.
    • due to fire, soil becomes hydrophobic. Run off will contain ash/ charcoal.
    • by consuming organic matter it removes carbon sinks. releasing more greenhouse gases. plants not immediately killed, rapidly decompose, releasing co2
  • Drought;
    • co2 in atmosphere rises faster.
    • limiting photosynthesis.
    • leading to a decrease in co2 absorption.
    • decrease hydration for microbes and bacteria that fix nitrogen.
    • decrease in nitrogen rich soil.
    • decrease precipitation, results in plants dying.