Government can create opportunities for the community to showtheir care to those around them by settingupstructures, nationalprogrammes and providingresources in a targetedmanner.
Example for government,
National council of Social services (NCSS) . It is a government agency to developresources and enhancecapabilities of Socialserviceagencies (SSA). NCSS has developed the volunteermanagementToolkit2.0SSA with framework and guidelines on how to managevolunteerseffectively.
Link for government (impact on society)
NCSS helps provide strongsupport to recruit and managevolunteerseffectively so more volunteers can be recruited and bemotivated to contribute their time and skillsmoreproactively and efficiently for SSAs to reach out and solve the needyproblems and lead a betterquality of life.
Individuals can offer their knowledge, skills and experience and initiatenewefforts.
Examples for citizens
Individuals can offer support in variousvolunteerroles that can meet variousstakeholdersneeds. Like the Agewellprogramme (AWE), that promotesactiveageing and healthylifestyles for seniors which reducesrisk of dementia. Volunteers do activities like physicalexercise and brain-stimulatingactivities
Link for citizens
Individuals can contribute their skill, time and knowledge to help the needy like elderlyreducerisk of dementia by doing useful and meaningful activities so they can be engaged which prevents and delaydementia.
Having good leadership
Leaders in the government should be capable, honest and incorruptible
Courageous enough to make the right decisions for the country, even if the decisions prove to be difficult.
Having good leadership
Leaders in the government should be capable, honest and incorruptible
Courageous enough to make the right decisions for the country, even if the decisions prove to be difficult.
Link for having good leadership
Good leaders win the confidence and respect of the people and are willing to cooperate with the government in a responsible way which leads to political stability in the country.
Anticipating change and staying relevant
Being forward-looking and taking sound actions early so that the government can minimise threats and maximise opportunities for the people of Singapore.
Link for anticipating change
Able to foreseen challenges and plan ahead allowing the country to be better prepared in future which helps the country remain ahead in a competitive global economy.
Ensuring a stake for everyone and opportunities for all
Entails giving citizens a say in decision making.
Opportunities are created to encourage singaporeans to share their views on policies and decision-making.
Link for ensuring a stake for everyone and opportunities for all
Citizens feel the have a stake in Singapore’s future which helps develop a sense of belonging and more willing to be involved towards the good of society.
Practicing meritocracy
A system that distributes opportunities and rewards according to merit
People are rewarded according to the effort they put in rather than factors such as their race, religion and family background.
Link for practising meritocracy
Encourage students to work hard and achieve their best and ensures people have a chance to be successful causing more competitive workforce and country will progress economically.
Addressing the needs of society
Citizens and government working together to improve the well-being of different groups of people by responding to the issues and challenges they face.
Efforts by the government (addressing needs of society)
Can create opportunities for the community to show care to those around them by setting up structures and national programmes which provides resources in a targeted manner
Efforts by individuals (addressing needs of society)
Can offer their knowledge, skills and experiences and initiate new efforts.
Can use the resources, programmes and structures provided by the government to supplement their efforts.
Link to addressing the needs of society
Government provides opportunities for the citizens to contribute in areas they are passionate about which creates greater sense of ownership and commitment by citizens leading to long term involvement and help improve and sustain the general wellbeing of society.
Influencing decision-making in public affairs
Citizens and government work together to make sound decisions that will resolve problems which are complex and require long-term solutions.
Efforts by governments (influencing decision-making)
Can provide citizens with equal and fair opportunities to participate and influence public policy decision-making.
Efforts by individuals or community grp (influencing decision making)
Share their opinions with the government through engagement platforms.
Craft recommendations based on rigorous debate and consensus with the government.
Link to influencing decision-making)
Government provides platforms for citizens to be involved in decision-making which helps refine government policies and point to areas which require more attention which enhances citizens’ sense of collective responsibility and sense of belonging for the country.
Strengthening citizen’s sense of belonging
Citizens feel an attachment to fellow citizens and their country
They have form a unique national identity as Singaporeans and feel that they have an essential place in society.
Efforts by the government (strengthening sense of belonging)
Provide every citizen with a stake in the country’s affairs.
Structures and funding to strengthen citizen’s sense of belonging.
Efforts by individuals or community grp (strenghten sense of belonging)
Can play an active role from the ground up in strengthening the sense of belonging of fellow citizens by sharing common spaces, experience and values and building a sense of attachment to history, people and places in a country.
Link for strengthening sense of belonging
Such efforts to preserve memories of the common spaces and experiences can create stronger bonds with fellow singaporeans which makes them more inclined to show care and take actions to help one another and more concerned about shaping country’s future.