M2 english Q4

Cards (16)

    • Mode of paragraph development - Grammatical signals or transitional devices, adverbs, and conjunctions are used to connect ideas together to come up with effective sentences and various patterns of paragraph development.
    • Description - A paragraph developed by detail, the topic sentence is supported by factual material, either sense impressions or conceptual facts. It is used to depict the apperance of the people, places, and even things. The writer helps recreate for the reader to sense impressions (sight, sound, touch, smell, and taste) that have been experienced or observed by the writer.
    • Narrative - A narrative is used to establish series of events, that answers the questions how, when, or where an event occured. It is the way how an account of events is spoken or written in an enthusiastic way, to achieve the understanding of the audience.
    • General-to-specific - A method of developing a paragraph, essay, or speech by moving from a broad observation about a topic to specific details in support of that topic. It is known as the deductive method of organization
    • Claim and Counterclaim - A claim is the main idea or argument that the paragraph aims to support or prove. A counterclaim is a contrasting viewpoint or argument that acknowledges an opposing perspective or challenges the validity of the main claim.
    • Basic format of claim and counterclaim
    1. Claim
    2. Data
    3. Warrant
    4. Backing
    5. Counterclaim
    6. Rebuttal
    • Claim - the overall thesis the writer will argue for
    • Data - this is the accumulated evidence to support the claim.
    • Warrant - also known as bridge, here it explains why or how the data supports the claim, it is what connects the data and the claim.
    • Backing - also known as foundation, this is additional logic when warrant support is required.
    • Counterclaim - it negates or disagresses with the claim
    • Rebuttal - this is the evidence that negates or disagrees with the counterclaim.
    • Cause and effect - It uses a sequencing device to describe what is the cause that is directly responsible for creating the effect or the result.
    • Problem-Solution - The writer first outlines the problem (cause and effects) before proposing one or more solutions.
    • Definition - The way a paragraph is organized to inform readers about a topic. Provides clear and exact words to explain and clarify the meaning of a term or concept. Developed by definition to answer the question "What is it?"
    • Comparison Contrast - A comparison of two or more things, usually in terms of their similarities and differences.