Leaving out unfamiliar or unpleasant details when remembering something
What are transformations

Details being changed to make them more rational
What is familiarisation
Changing unfamiliar details to match our schemas
What is rationalisation
Adding details to our recall to give a reason for something that may not have originally fitted our schema
Strengths and weaknesses of Bartlett's theory of reconstructive memory
Practical application: Eyewitnesses to crime may remember incorrectly which why cognitive interviews are now used
Ecological validity: Bartlett conducted research using folk stories and images so is an real-world task
Subjective: Developed his theory by reading and interpreting stories and pictures reproduced by participants. Gave his own interpretations so is considered unscientific.
Unscientific: Not very scientific procedures used and was more interested in participants' unique memories
What are the 3 stores in the MSM

Sensory register, short term memory, longterm memory
What is the sensory register

Our immediate memory of sensory information
What are the 5 sensory registers
Iconic, echoic, gustatory, olfactory, tactile
What is modality-free
Not linked to any specific type of sensory information
Is the STM modality-free
Strengths and weaknesses of the MSM

Supportingevidence: Amnesia cases show damage to LTM but STM is intact
Serialpositioneffect: Ben Murdock found that we tend to recall more words at the beginning and end of lists
Overstating role of rehearsal: Some info is remembered simply because it is memorable, we don't have to rehearse it
Unlikely we only have one type of LTM: Some amnesia patients' LT memories are damaged while others are intact. CliveWearing couldn't remember personal events but could remember how to play the piano
What is primacy effect
The tendency to recall info at the beginning of a list because words at the beginning are rehearsed and transferred to the LTM
What is recency effect
The tendency to recall words at the end of a list because they are still being held in the STM