resistance to social influence is the ability of people to withstand social pressure to conform to majority/obey authority
influenced by situational (external - divorced parents) and dispositional (internal - personality trait) factors
there are 2 explanations for resistance to social influence
social support
locus of control (LOC)
social support relates to presence of people (act as models to show others resistance to social influence is possible) who resist pressures to conform/obey that can help others do the same
conformity can be reduced by using social support through dissenting peers
e.g. asch conformity - found it reduced to 5.5% when one of the confederates gave different answers
social support breaks the unimaginous position of majority
obedience can be reduced using social support by one other dissenting partner
dissenters disobedience frees individual to act on own conscience
e.g. milgrams study into obedience - obedience dropped from 65% to 10% when ptt was joined by disobedient confederate - independent behaviour (not following authoritative figure) had increased from 35% to 90% in disobedient peer condition
people are more confident to resist obedience if they can find ally whos willing to join them
application - social support aiding resistance to social influence
rosenstrasse protest
1943 - german women protested in berlin about gestapo holding 2000 jewish men - wanting to be released
women stood in front of gestapo agents despite threats of being shot - womens courage provided and set jews free
being among friends they were able to risk death together as result of social support - less scared as they had allys to rebel with
evaluation for resistance to social influence
research support - resistance to conformity
research support - resistance to obedience
research support - resistance to conformity eval point
researchers found independence when there is one dissenter in asch type of study
resistance isnt motivated by following what someone else says but it does enable someone to be free of pressure from group
research support - resistance to obedience eval point
researcher found high levels of resistance in their study than milgrams
ptts had to produce evidence to help oil company run a 'smear campaign' (plan to discredit public gigure by making false accusations)
29/33 groups of ptts rebelled
shows peer support is linked to greater resistance
locus of control is the sense we have about what directs events in our lives - concerned with internal and external
internal locus of control - believe they are mostly responsible for what happens to them
external locus of control - believe things happen without own control
external locus of control - believe things happen without own control
people with internal locus of control are more likely to be able to resist pressure to conform/obey
if someone takes personal responsibility for own actions/experiences theyre more likley to base their decisions on their own beliefs
high internal locus of control = more self confident, achievement oriented - personality traits lead to greater resistance to social influence
evaluation for locus of control
research support - resistance to obedience
contradictory research
research support - resistance to obedience for locus of control eval point
researcher repeated dstudy and measured whether ptts were internal/external
37% internals didnt continue to highest shock (showed independence)
23% externals did not continue
internals showed greater resistance - increases validity of LOC
contradictory research as eval point for locus of control
meta analysis has shown over 40 years that resistance to social influence has increased but so has external loc