Difficultygetting out of a chair due to decreasedforward movement during flexion momentum phase
Main Analysis Findings
decreased forward movement during flexion momentum phase - potential trunk flexor (iliopsoas) weakness - leads to less facilitation of lower limb extension
poor control of back extensors?
Difficulty getting out of a chair due to decreased forward movement during flexion momentum phase
Further tests/investigations you would like to do
trunk flexor (iliopsoas) strength test/rom
assess strength of other muscles in flexion momentum - tibialis anterior (produces a concentric contraction to bring tibial shaft forward), back extensors (working isometrically to maintain spinal extension)
iliopsoas rom - potential tightness
Difficulty getting out of a chair due to decreased forward movement during flexion momentum phase
A suitable outcome measure
timed up and go
iliopsoas strength
iliopsoas/flexion momentum ROM
Difficulty getting out of a chair due to decreased forward movement during flexion momentum phase
Justification for selection of treatment
reaching forward to touch marker on a wall to increaseforward movement
strengthen iliopsoas
increase rom of iliopsoas
Difficulty getting out of a chair due to decreased forward movement during flexion momentum phase
move markerfurther back, increase distance and increasing amount of forward movement
fade feedback
from blocked to random practice
from constant to random practice
Difficulty getting out of a chair due to decreased forward movement during flexion momentum phase
Justification of approaches to facilitated learning
distributed better than massed - refer to gait scenario 1
part practice to build confidence and perfect technique of impaired component, then progress to whole practice
varied practice - vary height of seat/marker
stage of learning
cues - going from angle of square to angle of triangle to increase forward movement
fade feedback
start with extrinsic feedback, progress to intrinsic
progress from KP to KF
Difficulty getting out of a chair due to decreased forward movement during flexion momentum phase
Main Analysis Findings
decreased forward movement during flexion momentum phase - potential trunk flexor (iliopsoas) weakness - leads to less facilitation of lower limb extension during extension phase