Treaty of Versailles

Cards (31)

  • When did the Paris Peace Conference begin?

    January 1919 at the Palace of Versailles, Paris
  • What did the PPC aim to do?

    Create 5 peace treaties called the Versailles Settlement.
    - Biggest treaty was Treaty of Versailles for Germany
  • Who were the "Big 3"?

    George Clemenceau (PM of France), Woodrow Wilson (President of USA), David Lloyd George (PM of Britain)
  • What were Clemenceau's motives?
    - Saw PPC as opportunity to gain territory back
    - Wanted harsh treaty
    - Feared future invasions due to shared borders
    - wanted to limit military strength of Germany
    - wanted compensation of infrastructural damage
  • What were Woodrow Wilson's motives?
    - Idealist, wanted lasting peace
    - wanted treaty to embody his 14 points
    - Points included: Self determination, disarmament, no secret treaties and international cooperation especially in trade
    - Wanted to establish new international organisation: League of Nations
    - Wanted to trade with Germany still, so not many large reparations
  • What were David Lloyd George's motives?
    - realist and agreed with some aspects of both the USA and France.
    - British public hated Germany and wanted revenge
    - understood some of Clemenceau's personal anger
    - Germany challenged Britain's naval power
    - also challenged Britain's empire
    - Supported Wilson's point in strong Germany which were better for european economies.
    - Wanted germany to still trade with Britain
  • Clemenceau's aims for TOV

    -harsh treaty
    - high reparations
    - protection of France's borders
    - Splitting germany into states
    - Germany disbanding armed forces to prevent another invasion
    - return of Alsace-Lorraine to France
    - Give France rich industrial area in Germany (Saar Basin)
    - germany give oversea colonies to France
  • Woodrow Wilson's aims

    - soft treaty
    - creation of independent states like Poland that had access to sea
    - return of Alsace Lorraine to France
    - end of Germany's empire and weakening of all empires
    - avoid blaming Germany for start of WW1
    - inclusion of all nations in the LON
    - freedom of the seas, trading ships should have access to any waters without fear of attack
  • David Lloyd George's aims

    - retaining strong trading relationship with Germany
    - taking Germany's overseas colonies
    - harsh enough terms to satisfy British desire for revenge
    - germany to keep military strength to prevent communism from russia spreading into europe
    -reduction in germany's navy to reinforce britain's naval supremacy
  • Military Terms of the TOV

    42: Rhineland to be demilitarised
    - made Germany vulnerable to an invasion from France
    160: Army to be restricted to 100,000 men
    - Ex-soldiers became unemployed
    181: navy restricted to 6 battleships and no submarines
    - Germany became weaker couldn't develop military technology
    198: Germany not allowed to have an air force
    - Germany became weaker
  • Territorial Terms of the TOV

    45: France given Saar Area with coalfields for 15 years
    - Germany lost 15% of coal resources
    51: Alsace-Lorraine part of France again
    - Germany had no buffer between France and themselves
    80: Anschluss was forbidden (union between Germany and Austria)
    - Austria part of Germany's cultural identy
    87: Germany lost Posen and West Prussia allowed allies to create Polish Corridor and gave Poland access to sea
    - divided Germany into 2, around 1 million Germans came under Polish rule
    199: France and Britain ruled all 11 of Germany's colonies in Africa and Far East as mandates.
    - Germany's reputation destroyed and fewer items to trade with other countries.
  • Political and Economic Terms of the TOV

    1-26: LON created yet Germany not allowed to join
    - Germany felt excluded from world politics, more likely to resort to violence to resolve disputes
    231: War Guilt Clause, Germany had to accept responsibility for deaths and destruction during wartime.
    - most anger among German Population, felt unfair
    232: Germany pay Allies reparations as condition of their surrender. Amount set at 132 billion gold marks (6.6 billion pounds) had until 1980 to pay debt
    - amount enough to bankrupt Germany, especially due to the territorial terms which reduced their ability trade
  • Military Compromises of the TOV

    Clemenceau: didn't believe treaty restricted Germany's army enough
    Wilson: Britain's naval supremacy meant Wilson abandoned idea of free navigation of the seas
  • Territorial compromises of the TOV

    Clemenceau: Rhineland not given to France, instead it was demilitarised
    Wilson: Forced to allow Britain and France to increase their empires
    Lloyd George: reluctantly agreed to independence of Eastern European nations like Latvia and Bulgaria
  • Political and economic compromises of TOV

    Clemenceau: wanted reparation payments higher
    Wilson: Germany not allowed to join LON
    Lloyd George: Worried about reactions of Germans under control of France and Poland
  • Why did the Big 3 have to compromise?

    - different aims and motives
    - each leader had different public pressure
    - French wanted to impose severe punishments due to 2/3 of French Army which died
    - USA didn't want revenge on Germany as they didn't suffer as much
    - repayments of loans to Allied countries allowed the US economy to boom.
  • The 'Diktat'

    - treaty took force on 10th of January 1920
    - Many Germans argued that Weimar Republic should not have signed TOV
    - believed German politicians committed 'dolchstoss' (stab in the back)
    - politicians who signed TOV known as 'november criminals'
    - many felt humiliated and weaker than rest of Europe
    - German representatives not allowed to attend peace talks
    - had to accept terms of peace otherwise Allies take control of the country
  • Which sections angered the German people of the TOV?

    War guilt cause: not fair that they had to take all of blame for WW1.
    Restrictions on armed forces: armed forces were source of pride for German people. Many felt humiliated and vulnerable to attack. whilst rest of europe not forced to disarm
    Reparations: set too high, Germany financially ruined by WW1, from 1922 Germany couldn't pay reparations bill
    Territorial losses: placed citizens under rule of other countries, felt that Allies had taken away their cultural identity
  • Occupation of the Ruhr

    - Dec 1922
    - France accused Germany of not sending amount of coal required by TOV
    - French and Belgian troops entered Ruhr in Jan 1923, soldiers seized coal, manufactured products and machinery
    - workers went on strike and sabotaged machinery
    - french brought their own workers into Ruhr
    - occupation destroyed economy as Weimar government insisted paying wages to striking workers, began importing coal from other countries and faced shortages in everyday products
  • Hyperinflation
    - decided to print more money to pay for striking Ruhr workers and purchase coal
    - 1923: 300 paper mills and 2000 printers solely to print currency, caused hyperinflation crisis
    - Nov 1923, German currency (the mark) became worthless
    - workers had to receive pay twice a day to purchase essential goods before wages became worthless
    - people filled wheelbarrows full of money to buy loaf of bread
  • Causes and consequences of hyperinflation:

    - TOV
    - invasion and occupation of Ruhr
    - printing more money
    - unemployment
    - loss of savings and pensions
    - debts from loans decreased
    - increased support in extremist parties
  • Rise of Extremism: The Munich Putsch
    - Nov 1923: Hitler decided Nazi Party was ready to take control of Germany
    - putsch relied upon support of Kahr, Seisser, and Lossow (key officials in Bavaria)
    - yet it failed in the end and Hitler was arrested for high treason
  • Causes of the Munich Putsch

    Long term:
    - people angry with the Weimar government, TOV was 'dolchstoss' for many
    - From 1929s, NSDAP (National Socialist German Worker Party) growing in popularity
    Mid term:
    - Mussolini, inspired Hitler through his successful 'March on Rome' in 1922
    Short term:
    - French invasion of Ruhr caused shortages
    - hyperinflation crisis reached worse state towards end of 1923
  • Causes and Consequences on Munich Putsch

    - Mussolini's 'March on Rome'
    - hatred of the TOV
    - hyperinflation crisis
    - Hitler arrested, wrote Mein Kampf
    - Nazi Party banned
    - Hitler gains national attention for his beliefs
    - desire to make nazi party electable
  • What were the 4 other treaties which created the Versailles Settlement?

    - Treaty of St Germain: Austria
    - Treaty of Neuilly: Bulgaria
    - Treaty of Trianon: Hungary
    - Treaty of Sevre: Ottoman
  • Treaty of St Germain
    - Sep 1919
    - Austria
    - End of Austro-Hungarian empire
    - loss of land
    - Anschluss forbidden
    - army limited to 30,000 troops
    - reparations
    - accept blame
    - recognition of LON
    - land given to Czechoslovakia housed most of Austria's industry
    - experienced financial crisis in 1921
    - never paid reparations
    - Small states created old Austro-Hungarian empire caused conflict and instability in Eastern and Central Europe
  • Treaty of Neuilly

    - November 1919
    - Bulgaria
    - Loss of land
    - recognise existence of kingdom of Serbs, croats and slovenes
    - limited to 20,000 troops
    - reparations set at 100 million pounds
    -accept blame
    - recognition of LON
    - loss access to Aegean Sea
    - Allies cancelled 75% of Bulgaria's reparation bill
    - continued unrest in Balkans
  • Treaty of Trianon
    - June 1920
    - Hungary
    - Ending of Austro-Hungarian empire
    - Loss 2/3 of it's land, 1/3 of population
    - army limited to 35,000 troops
    - Reparations
    - accept blame for starting WW1
    - recognition of LON
    - collapse of its economy, resulted in not paying reparations
    - treaty forced many ethnic Hungarians (Magyars) out of Hungary
    - Conflict within Hungary during 1920s
  • Treaty of Sevres
    - August 1920
    - Ottoman empire or Turkey
    - Ended Ottoman empire
    - Britain and France to take control of land in Middle East
    - Loss of control over the Dardanelles Strait (important waterway)
    - Turkey limited to 50,000 troops
    - control of Turkey's tax system and budget
    - Reparations
    - accept blame for WW1
    - recognition of LON
    - people of Turkey threatened to overthrow government
    - negotiated new treaty in 1923 (Treaty of Lausanne)
    - New treaty gave Turkey: land back in Europe
    - control of Dardanelles Straight
    - no reparations or restrictions of army
  • Why the Treaty can be justified:

    - Some journalists in Britain insisted that Germany could afford reparations
    - French claimed that Germany's diktat on Russia in 1917 (Treaty of Brest Litovsk) was much harsher than TOV
    - Marshal Foch stated treaty did not protect France from invasion
    - Some politicians in US believed treaty was best solution given the political context in 1919
    - Some in Britain and France thought treaty was too lenient
  • Why the TOV cannot be justified?

    - Austria and Hungary's reparations cancelled due to economic crashes yet Allies reduced instead of stop reparations when it came to Germany's economy collapsing
    - Treaty of Lausanne undermined TOV
    - Some believed Treaty's terms would cause Germany to start another war
    - Allies had different motives and aims, more interested in achieving own aims then creating fair treaty
    - forcing Germans to live under foreign rule and exclusion from LON isolated Germany. This increased support for extremist groups in Germany