Fallacy is an argument in which premises given for the conclusion fo not provide the needed degree of support
Fallacy is a false idea that many people believe is true.
Fallacy is a mistakenbelief.
DictoSimpliciter It is a general rule of observation that is treated as universally true regardless of the circumstances or the individuals concerned.
Hasty generalization occurs when someone draws expansive conclusions based on inadequate or insufficient evidence. In other words, they jump to conclusions about the validity of a proposition with some, but not enough, evidence to back it up and overlook potential counterarguments.
Post Hoc - "after it, therefore because of it, or "confusing coincidental relationships with cause")
Post hoc is a fallacy in which one event is said to be the cause of a later event simply because it occurred earlier.
ContradictoryPremises it occurs when arguments contradict each other
ContradictoryPremises - Self-contradiction
Admisericordiam (apealtopity) - it is a logical fallacy in which someone tries to win support by their arguments by exploiting their opponent's feelings of pity.
FalseAnalogy - It is the process of making connection between two things but there are no known connection between them.
HYPOTHESIS CONTRARYTOFACT (Argumentumandspeculum ) - A conclusion that is far from reality.
Poisoning the Well - Attacking a person without him knowing that you attack him.
Propaganda - Ideas or statements that are often false or exaggerated and that are spread in order to help a cause, a political leader, a government, etc.
Name-Calling - This is a device that brands persons, groups, nations or races, even policies, practices, beliefs, and ideals with bad names.
GlitteringGeneralities - This is a device that uses “virtue words” to make the person, place, or thing being advocated, be accepted, or be approved. The goal is to create a favorable impression in the minds of message recipients.
Transfer - In this technique, an attempt is made to transfer the prestige of a positive symbol to a person or an idea.
Testimonials - This technique is easy to understand. It is when "big name" personalities are used to endorse a product.
PlainFloks - This is a device used to “win confidence” by making one who gives statement appears to be like his or her public. It encourages one by showing that they are part or are usually used by ordinary people.
CardStacking Is a propaganda technique that seeks to manipulate audience perception of an issue by emphasizing one side and repressing another
Bandwagon - that persuades others to follow on the principle that “everybody’s doing it” and so “what are you waiting for? Come on and join them so you are not left out”