Failure to function adequately is when someone is unable to cope with the demands of everyday life
Rosenhan and Seligman identified 7 abnormal characteristics that indicate symptoms of abnormality
a person who is not functioning adequately is unable to maintain basic standards of nutrition or hygiene or they cannot keep a job or relationship
A limitation of failure to function adequately is that it is based on subjective judgements
There are methods to make judgements more objective such as Global Assessment of Functioning Scale. This allows for a more scientific approach to diagnosing mental disorders
however, it is difficult to assess health and say if a person is suffering so diagnosis remains with the psychiatrist
None of the criteria alone can be used to define abnormality since bizarre or maladaptivebehaviour e.g extreme sports might actually allow a person to function in a given context
This is a limitation because this definition risks limiting personal freedom
abnormal characteristics:
when a person no longer conforms to standard interpersonal rules
severe personal distress
behaviour becomes irrational or dangerous to themselves or others