Volcanoes + Tsunamis

Cards (7)

  • Volcano
    where magma from the earths mantle is repeatedly extruded at the earth surface
  • Where do you find volcanoes?

    -convergent plate margins
    Continent to ocean
    Ocean to ocean
    -divergent plate margins
    Hot spots or magma plumes
  • How is a shield volcano formed?
    They form when later upon layer of basaltic accumulated only when oceanic crust is present- ocean to ocean, divergent
  • How do composite volcanoes form?

    Composed of interbedded (generally andesitic) lava flows and layers of pyroclastic debris
    -greater outgassing
    -vicious thick magma
    -high silica (polluted)
  • Volcanic hazards

    pyroclastic flows, lahar, flank collapse, ash fall/clouds, gas, tsunami, climate change, acid rain
  • Tsunamis (secondary hazard)

    -ocean floor drops (a few 100ft)
    -water fills the space
  • Ways to monitor tsunamis

    -water pressure sensors
    -seismic activity
    -water retreat visible from shoreline