
Cards (7)

  • Earthquake
    A sudden releases of energy that generate seismic waves
    -energy spreads form the focus, reaching the surface at the epicentre then spreading horizontally
  • Underground waves

    P-waves= primary waves, back and forth (slinky)
    travel through solid and liquid parts of earth
    travel faster
    S-waves= secondary waves, up and down
    only travel through solid
    travel slower
  • Shallow earthquake

    More destructive
    -energy has no time to dissipate
  • Deep earthquake

    Less destructive
    -energy is lost along its way to the surface
  • Richter Scale

    A scale that rates an earthquake's magnitude based on the size of its seismic waves.
    1-3, isn't really felt
    4-5, can be felt, causes damage to property
    6, medium strength, death and damage
    7,serious (1time a month)
    8,very strong (1time a year)
    9,widespread damage and death (1-3times every 100 years)
  • Surface waves

    Rayleigh waves
    -travel through the crust, up and down, side to side
    Love waves
    -travel though the crust, side to side and spirals
  • Liquefaction
    water, from the water table, risen by the shaking ground
    making ground unstable