Natural Hazard Management

Cards (11)

  • What is a natural disaster?
    A natural hazard that has fatalities and damage
  • Risk
    =hazard x vulnerability
  • Reasons why people's natural hazard risk is increased

    -unpredictable, don't know when hazards will happen
    -lack of alternative, people can't afford to live elsewhere
    -dynamic hazards, hazards increase and decrease in threat
    -cost to benefit, benefits may outweigh risks

  • Hazard Profiling

    Hazard management use magnitude frequency relationships as a tool to help understand risk
    Model is based on the general assumption that magnitude is often inversely proportional to the frequency of a particular event
  • Disaster risk index

    Seeks to combine physical exposure to hazards with vulnerability
  • Absolute risk

    Numbers of people killed per year.
    -Most at risk are the most populated countries
  • Relative risk

    Number of deaths per million inhabitants
    -Most at risk are small island nations
  • Multiple hazard zones

    Places where a number of physical hazards combine to create an increased level of risk for the country and its population.
  • Disaster hotspot
    A country or area that is extremely disaster prone
  • Example of multi-hazard zones
