
Cards (7)

  • The dynamic earth
    7 major and 8 minor plates on the earths surface
    The major plates have continents on them
  • Continental crust

    -less dense
    -average thickness 35-40km
    -felsic (acidic) composition
    -common element, silica
    -common rock type, granite
  • Oceanic Crust

    -more dense
    -average thickness 10km
    -mafic, rich in iron
    -common rock type, basalt
  • Alfred Wenger

    scientist who came up with the continental drift theory- the continents were once all together
    Using evidence of fossil remains and land-locked vertebrates
  • Convection currents

    Circular currents in the mantle caused by the magma being heated by the core off the Earth.
    Can split and move the crust
  • Ridge push

    when the force of gravity moves a plate downward and away from a ridge
  • Slab pull

    the pulling of a tectonic plate as its edge subducts deep into the mantle