minority influence is a form of social influence where persuasive minority changes the attitudes and behaviours of the majority
social change is when a whole society adopts new beliefs/ ways of behaving which then becomes widely accepted as a norm
factors enhancing effectiveness of minority
consistency refers to over time period consistency in minorities view increases the amount of interest from other people
consistency makes others rethink own views
2 types of consistency
synchronic consistency
diachronic consistency
synchronic consistency is where people in minority all say the same thing
diachronic consistency refers to whether people have been saying the same thing for long time
commitment refers to minorities engaging in extreme activities to draw attention to their cause
important that the extreme activities are at some risk to minorities as it demonstrates their commitment to the cause
commitment increases amount of interest further from other majority group members - augmentation principle
flexibility is the minorities willingness to compromise - when majority group sees minority group is willing to compromise or engage in discussion - minority is taken more seriously and treated with respect
if minority group is seen as too demanding/fitted with own decisions showing no flexibility then people are likely to be put off.
moscovici - supporting evidence for minority influence (can be used as eval point)
studied minority influence using blue slide, green slife study
ptts given eye tests (ensure no colour blind) - placed in group of 4 ptts and 2 confederates
shown 36 slides - asked to state each colour out loud
confederates answered green for all slides (consistent) - in second part answered green 24 times and blue 12 times (inconsistent)
findings of moscovici's experiment for minority influence
control group used for comparison (025% of control group response was green)
1.25% ptts in experimental group answered green (confederates had inconsistent answers)
8.42% responded green when confederates had consistent answers
moscovici's experiment suggests minorities can influence majorities - highlights minority are more effective when consistent in responses and when inconsistency occurs the minority are likely to be ignored
evaluation for minority influence
sample bias - moscovici
lacks ecological validity
research to support (Nemeth
sample bias - moscovici as eval point for minority influence
used biassed sample of 1772 female ptts - unable to generalise results to other populations (males)
therefore cannot conclude male ptts would respond to minority influence in same way as females
limits explanation due to not being generalisable other than to females - limits application of findings relating to minority influence
lacks ecological validity as eval point for minority influence
moscovicis study was conducted in artificial setting of lab - peets were aware they were being observed and their behaviour was being recorded
weakness to experiment as investigation isnt measuring real life minority influence
therefore results cannot be generalised beyond the research whereby it cannot represent real life minority influence
research to support - nemeth as eval point
nemeth investigated flexibility in groups (4) agree on amount of compensation given to victim of ski accident
1 ptt in each group was confederate (minority)
1st condition - minority argued for lower rate and refused to change