The process by which green plants and some other organisms use sunlight, carbon dioxide and water to create oxygen and energy-rich compounds such as glucose
1. Plants take in carbon dioxide
2. Plants take in water
3. Plants use sunlight
4. Plants produce oxygen
5. Plants produce glucose
Chlorophyll is the green pigment in plants that allows photosynthesis to occur
Photosynthesis is an essential process that produces food and oxygen
Food chain
A linear network of links in a food web starting with producer organisms (e.g. grass or algae) and ending at a top predator species (e.g. grizzly bears or orca)
Food chain
Grass -> Grasshopper -> Bird -> Bear
Food web
A system of interconnected and overlapping food chains in an ecosystem
The pyramid of numbers shows the relative numbers of each organism in a food chain or food web
The pyramid of biomass shows the relative sizes/masses of each organism in a food chain or food web
The surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives
The natural home or environment of an animal, plant, or other organism
The adjustment of a sense organ to the intensity of a stimulus
Estimating population of species in a meadow
1. Use quadrats
2. Count number of organisms in each quadrat
3. Calculate average number per quadrat
4. Multiply average by total area of meadow
Conservation is the protection of plants, animals, natural areas, and important structures from the damaging effects of human activity