Situational variables

Cards (7)

  • Situational variables - AO1
    - Features of an environment that affect the degree to which individuals yield to group pressures
  • Proximity - AO1
    - Proximity variation - teacher and learner were in the same room. - Obedience dropped from the original 65% to 40%.
    - When told to force the learners hand on the shock plate - Obedience dropped by a further 30%.
    - The experimenter left the room and gave instructions via phone - Obedience fell by 20.5%
    - Decreased proximity allows people to psychologically distance themselves from the consequences of their actions.
  • Location - AO1
    - Variation in a run-down office block rather than the prestigious yale university.
    - Obedience fell by 47.5%
    - The university location gave Milgram's study legitimacy and authority.
  • Uniform - AO3
    - Baseline study the experimenter wore a grey lab coat to show authority.
    - Experimenter called away to take a call and returned as an ordinary member of the public in 'normal clothes'
    - Obedience dropped to 20% - lowest
    - Uniforms encourage obedience because they are widely recognised symbols of authority.
  • Research support - AO3
    - Field study in NYC - Brickman had three confederates dressed in different outfits. - Jacket and tie, milkman's outfit and security guard uniform.
    - Confederates individually stood and asked people in the street to perform various tasks.
    - People were twice as likely to obey a confederate dressed as a security guard than one dressed in a jacket and tie.
  • Cross-cultural replications - AO3
    - Study replicated by Psychologists looking at a Dutch participants who used a more realistic study.
    - participants ordered to say stressful things to a confederate looking for a job - 90% obeyed.
    - When the person giving orders is not present - obedience declines dramatically.
  • Low internal validity - AO3
    - Participants were aware that the study was fake.
    - Psychologists criticized the extra manipulation of the variations as participants were likely to guess the aims of the study.
    - For example the part where the experimenter leaves. - Milgram himself believed the situation was contrived.
    - Milgram's study may make it unclear whether findings are due to obedience or participants saw deception and acted - demand characteristics.