Japan Tsunami

Cards (10)

  • When was the Tohoku Tsunami?
    11th March 2011
  • What caused the Tsunami?
    magnitude 9
  • How many people died during Japans event?
  • how many people were injured in Japan?
  • how many people were missing in Japan?
  • how many buildings were damaged in Japan?
    300,000 and 1mil damaged
  • damage cost of earthquake and tsunami in Japan?
    $235 billion
  • Japan backstory
    -40% of coat had 10m sea wall
    -Japanese Meteorological Agency, set up to predict earthquakes and tsunamis
    -earthquake proof buildings
    -GDP $34,000
  • Short term response to Japan
    -tsunami warning gave people 20mins to evac
    -government responded by sending in specially trained people
    -search and rescue teams sent from UK
    -$1 billion is donations
  • Long term responses to Japan
    -6 days after event motorway was repaired
    -improved warning and monitoring systems