South East Asia Tsunami

Cards (9)

  • When was the tsunami in South East Asia?
  • What plate movement causes the tsunami in Asia?
    Subduction of the Ino-Australian plate (O) under the Eurasian plate (C)
    The uplifting caused water displacement, billion tonnes of
  • How many people died due to the tsunami in Asia?
    over 250,000 in 14 different countries
  • where and what was the highest death toll?
    Indonesia, Island of Sumatra
    130,000 killed and over 30,000 missing
  • How many people were made homeless due to the Asia tsunami ?
  • How many houses were destroyed as a result of the Asia tsunami?
  • why did 150,000 people die in refugee camps after the Asia tsunami?
    diseases such as cholera spread due to the lack of clean water and sanitation
  • Short term responses to the Asia tsunami
    -bodies mass burial to prevent disease
    -over $7 billion provide by gov and NGO's in aid
    -5 million people in refugee camps
  • Long term responses to the Asia tsunami
    -refugees were moved from camps straight into new homes
    -tsunami early warning system was installed in the Indian Ocean, cost $20mil