specimens are collected in red stopper tubes and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) tube or EDTA only (note: pink stopper tube are made specifically for blood bank but a purple stopper tube is exactly the same EDTA)
strictest attention must be given in patient identification and sample labeling because a mistake can be fatal
Tests commonly performed in the Blood Bank section
Blood typing
Antibody Screen
Antibody Identification
Compatibility testing Crossmatching
Antiglobulin Test or Coombs' Test- Direct and Indirect Coombs'
Donor recruitment, donor selection
Donor screening
Component Preparation
Determines an individual's blood type
Detects unexpected antibodies
Antibody Screen
Determines blood compatibility between the donor and the recipient
Compatibility testing- Crossmatching
Detects in vivo or in vitro antibodies
Antiglobulin Test or Coombs' Test-Direct and Indirect Coombs'
Evaluates eligibility of possible blood donors
Donor recruitment, donor selection
Tests for donor's blood for transfusion transmissible infections
Donor screening
Identifies the unexpected antibodies
Antibody Identification
Processes whole blood, packed red cells, platelet concentrate, fresh frozen plasma and cryoprecipitate
Component preparation
isolates and identifies the pathogenic microorganisms in samples
traditional methods are bacterial culture but modern molecular diagnostics are now employed for faster results
specimens tested include blood, swabs, urine, sputum, feces and other body fluids or tissues
proper collection & prompt transport to the laboratory is crucial for isolation and identification of microorganisms
comprises bacteriology, virology, mycology and parasitology
Common tests in Microbiology section
Gram's Stain (GS)
Acid-Fast Bacilli Staining (AFB)
Culture and Sensitivity (C&S)
Ova and Parasite (O & P)
Detects bacteria and differentiates them in two main groups
Gram's Stain (GS)
Detects the acid-fast bacteria
Acid-Fast Bacilli Staining (AFB)
Detects the acid-fast bacteria
Acid-Fast Bacilli Staining (AFB)
Grows microorganisms and determines antibiotic treatment
Culture and Sensitivity (C&S)
detects parasitic infection on stool specimens (most labs in the Ph perform this test in the clinical microscopy section)
Ova and Parasite (O & P)
Immunology and Serology
>evaluates the patient's immune response through the detection of antibody/ies against bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites and self-antigens (autoimmunity)
>samples for this section are mostly serum collected in either red stopper tubes or serum stopper tubes