
Cards (11)

  • fluxes into the atmosphere

    lithosphere -> eruption of gases
    hydrosphere -> diffusion (evap)
    biosphere-> respiration
  • Fluxes out of Atmosphere

    hydrosphere-> diffusion
    biosphere-> photosynthesis
  • stores in the atmosphere

    mostly CO2
    some as methane (CH4)
  • duration of carbon in the atmosphere
    varies- seconds to few hundred years
    though very much shorter than lithosphere
  • fluctuation of carbon in the atmosphere

    rises at night with respiration
    drops during day with increased photosynthesis
    and great fluctuations during summer
  • Keeling Curve

    graph to show the measurement of atmospheric carbon
    measured daily
  • natural greenhouse effect

    without greenhouse gases the average temperature, -6 compared to average 15
  • CO2 vs CH4

    lasts longer (300-1000 vs 12-120)
    is more (8xmore co2)
    in two years traps 80x more heat
  • Carbon-14 dating

    Process of estimating age of once living material by measuring the amount of radioactive isotope of carbon present in material.
  • Short wave vs long wave radiation

    short- more energy, arrives first (blue)
    long- less energy, reflected by earth (red)
  • what % of short wave light gets to the earths surface?
    50%- then reflected and can no longer leave the atmosphere