Human Impacts on the Carbon Cycle

Cards (17)

  • human influence on carbon cycle

    - Burning fossil fuels and wood (6-8PgC a year)
    - destruction of natural environments (1.5 PgC a year)
  • negative feedback loop
    reduces the effect of change and helps maintain balance
  • positive feedback loop

    increases the effect of the change and produces instability
  • Changes in carbon ppm
    1790- 280ppm (industrial revolution)
    1958- 317ppm (secondary industrial bloom)
    2023- 419 ppm
  • why has the watch had a 1 degree increase?
    because of the increase of carbon dioxide, 138ppm in 223 years
  • how many degrees does it take to change biomes?
    2 degrees
  • US emissions in 2020
    CO2-79% (4/5ths)
    methane- 11%
    nitrous oxide- 7%
    fluorinated gases- 3%
  • Atmospheric CO2 levels
    the highest it has been in 650,000 years
  • what % of the pop lives in urban areas?
  • problems with urban areas and heat capture

    suns radiation is absorbed by the dark and vast surfaces of built up areas
  • what % of ALL CO2 emissions are contributed by only
    20 cities?
  • what is the upper limit of carbon in the atmosphere?
    1000 years
  • obliquity
    The tilt of the Earth's axis
  • how much has the seas rises since the 2000s?
  • examples of low lying areas

  • what would happen if the ice sheets around Greenland and West Antarctica melt?
    a global sea level rise of nearly 6 meters
  • Source of U.S carbon dioxide emissions
    Transportation- 1/3 (33%)
    Electrical Power- 1/3 (31%)
    Industry- 16% (metal and chemical production)
    Residential and Commercial- 12% (heaters, central heating)
    Other- 8% (non-fossil fuel combustion)