social change

Cards (15)

  • social change occurs when whole societies adopt new attitudes, beliefs and ways to do things
  • when individuals form an organisation to focus on their collective power - social change can occur
  • minority influence is the main force for social change which occurs continuously
  • if an individual is exposed to persuasive environment, they may change their views to match those of minority - referred to process as 'conversion' - necessary prior condition for social change
  • 6 steps to social change
    1. drawing attention
    2. consistency
    3. deeper processing
    4. augmentation principle
    5. snowball effect
    6. social cryptomnesia
  • step 1 of social change
    • drawing attention - minority draws attention to situation of issue by providing social proof for problem
  • step 2 of social change
    • consistency - minority shows consistency when promoting social change that they want to see (continue to campaign)
  • step 3 to social change
    • deeper processing - people who accepted current state questioned
  • step 4 of social change
    • augmentation principle - if members of minority are willing to suffer for issue they are fighting for - seen as more commited so are taken more seriously by the majority
  • step 5 of social change
    • snowball effect - change from minority to majority support as more people start to support cause
  • step 6 of social change
    • social cryptomnesia - people remember there was change in society but dont remember how it happened
  • evaluation points for social change
    • methodological issues
    • research support involving NSI
    • different levels of processing
  • methodological issues being eval point for social change
    • methodological issues can undermine the links drawn between social influence processes and social change
    • example - research studies providing explanation for social change (moscovici) can be criticised for issues around methodology such as low generalisability as there are some issues which can influence differing findings
    • limitation as it weakens explanations claiming to support social change
  • research support involving NSI being eval point for social change
    • researcher investigated whether majority influence led to reduction in energy consumption in community - researchers hung messages on doors of houses every week for 1 month
    • key message was most residents were trying to reduce their energy usage
    • control group - had different message asking to save energy, not referencing other behaviour
    • findings showed decrease in energy usage - who were informed 'most residents' were trying to reduce their usage
    • study shows how conforming to majority group can lead to social change
  • different levels of processing as eval point for social change
    • minority and majority influences may involve different levels of cognitive processing
    • moscovici believed majority viewpoint forces individuals to think more deeply about issues
    • however researcher suggests opposite to this is true - suggested when majority group is thinking/acting in way different to ourselves we are forced to think more deeply about our reasons
    • suggestions cast doubt on validity of moscovicis minority influence theory - suggesting it may be incorrect