clare 4

Cards (31)

  • what is a problem
    when it is not clear how to get from the start state to goal state
  • cheap necklace problem

    4 chains with 3 links each
    • Need to make 1 chain
    2 cents to open link
    3 cents to close link
    • You have only 15 cents

    This problem is difficult for many people because they tend to adopt an inappropriate mental set to approach this problem
  • types of problems

    well defined and ill defined problems

    knowledge lean and knowledge rich problems
  • well defined problems

    problems in which the initial state, the goal, and the methods available for solving them are clearly laid out

    eg chess
  • ill defined problems
    Start state or end state or the possible strategies may be unknown

    eg exams
  • knowledge rich problems

    Problems that require specific knowledge

    eg medicine
  • knowledge lean problems
    problems that can be solved without the use of much prior knowledge

    eg puzzle
  • behaviourist approach

    trial and error learning
    Thorndike's cat experiment
    - unsystematic
    - no knowledge
    - slow
    - doesn't work for all problems
  • Thorndike's cat experiment (1898)

    puzzle boxes from which cats could escape by pulling a lever to open a door and gain access to food outside the box

    random behaviours at start but eventually, through trial and error, would perform the correct action
  • Gestalt approach

    Success in solving a problem is influenced by how it is represented in the mind

    involves insight, aha moment
  • problem restructuring (gestalt)

    restructure or reorganize their representation of the problem, notice relevant information not previously noticed, switch strategies

    Koehler's (1925) monkey experiment show problem is solved after an incubation period
  • functional fixedness (gestalt)

    the tendency to perceive an item only in terms of its most common use

    Duncker's (1945) candle problem - fix and light candle on a wall so wax doesn't drip on table, pin box and place candle inside
  • problem solving and insight (gestalt)

    maier (1931) two string problem
    attach scissors to end of rope and create pendulum to reach second

    facilitated by unconscious hints, researcher would move rope by accident
  • neuroscience and insight

    activation in right anterior superior temporal gyrus

    fMRI - becomes more active when individuals experience insight

    EEG - distinctive peak in brain activity just before moment of insight, shows neural signature that precedes conscious realization of solution
  • gestalt approach evaluation

    Recognises the role of insight

    Mechanisms underlying insight are not specified
  • representational change theory

    explains processes underlying insight:
    - construct problem representation
    - retrieve moves (operators) by spreading activation from problem rep
    - impasses occur when problem rep doesn't cue right operators
    - impasses broken by restructuring problem rep
    - once impasse is broken an insight may occur
  • problem representations can be changed by
    - changing the representation of the problem

    - relaxing the constraints on what moves are allowed
  • changing the representation of a problem
    changing the way you think about the problem

    board has 62 squares, can you cover whole board with 31 dominos?
    (no because there's two black squares taken away, need red and black)
  • relaxing the constraints
    assume anything is possible

    move one matchstick so equation is correct
  • representational change theory evaluation

    explains some of the mechanisms underlying insight

    doesn't explain what leads to representational change or why incubation helps
  • information processing approach

    computational modelling approach -
    general problem solver

    most problems don't require insight, focus instead on knowledge lean problems
  • general problem solver (info processing approach)

    problem solving is a search through the problem space (all possible states of a problem)

    we don't have WM capacity to think of all possible moves, use general purpose heuristics instead
  • heuristics (general problem solver in info processing approach)
    forward search (from current state to future)

    backward search (from goal to current state)

    avoid loops (new solutions over previous paths)

    hill climbing (actions that move you closer)

    means-end analysis (sub-goals)
  • information processing approach evaluation

    - Works well for well-defined problems
    - Good objective measures of how well people perform
    - Led to well-specified computer models

    - Many everyday problems are ill-defined
    - Doesn't work for insight Problems
  • analogical problem solving

    we learn from past problems/ experience

    negative transfer - functional fixedness

    positive transfer - near transfer to similar context and far to different context

    learn from analogy using surface features and structural features
  • analogical mapping - (Gick and Holyoak 1980)

    1. gave the radiation problem with no analogy 10%
    2. If you gave the fortress problem and solution 30%
    3. Tell them fortress will help you get it right 70%
  • analogical problem solving evaluation

    - Retrieving analogies is hard unless the problems share similar surface features

    - In real life, this may be even more difficult because the time and context may be more distant than in lab studies

    - Individual Differences not well understood
  • expertise
    focus on problems that depend on extensive knowledge and learning

    have a lot of knowledge that can be accessed quickly

    more automatic process
  • chess expertise (DeGroot 1965)

    grand masters considered more moves and took less time to move with move rating of 8.2

    experts considered less moves, took more time, and had move rating of 5.2

    chess masters recalled 91% of 5s board presentation, experts 43%
  • medical experts (Melo et al 2012)

    medical experts fast at detecting tumours (~1 sec)

    activates same brain areas as object recognition

    experts use fast and automatic processes which develop with practice
  • Theories of Problem-Solving:  

    Behaviourist Approach, Gestalt Approach, Problem Restructuring, Information Processing,  Analogical Problem-Solving