Cards (29)

  • Polysyndetic list
    A list containing 'and'
  • Asyndetic list
    A list without an 'and'
  • Plosive alliteration
    Repeating P's
  • Anaphora
    Repitition of the same word or phrase at the BEGINNING of successive sentences
  • Epiphora
    Repitition of the same word or phrase at the END of successive sentances
  • Appositive clause
    A clause that follows a noun, the appositive clause adds information about the noun that proceeds it.
  • Different types of syntax
    Sentance types
    Sentance length
  • Inverted syntax
    A sentance where the verb comes before the subject.
    e.g 'in the forest ran the deer.'
  • Chiasmus
    A clause written, followed by similar clause in reverse.
    e.g. 'all for one and one for all.'
  • Antimetabole
    'i know what i like and i like what i know.'
  • Epanalepsis
    The beginning of the sentance is repeated at the end of the sentance
    'the king is dead, long live the king!'
  • Anadiplosis
    'our doubt is our passion, and our passion is our task.'
  • Triadic
    In threes
  • Parenthesis
    Additional information added by the writer using brackets, dashes, or commas.
  • Hypophora
    Raising a question and immediatly answering it
  • Sensory Imagery
    Sight, sound, taste, touch and smell
  • Hyperbole
    Extra exageration
  • Onomatopoeia
  • Analepsis
  • Prolepsis
  • Analoygy
    A comparison between one thing and another
  • Antithetical imagery

    Juxtaposing imagery
  • Epizuexis
    Quick paced repitition
  • litotes?
    understatement to emphasize a point.
  • synecdoche?
    a reduction into a small part of itself.
  • Analogy?

    explaining something in terms of something else, for example: 'life is like a box of chocolates'
  • allusion?

    referring to something indirectly or metaphorically
  • what is this an example of: 'she had a golden ticket'?
    An allusion - to Charlie and the chocolate factory.
  • incrementum?
    when the final term in a list makes the climactic point