Chaper 4 it is a stand-alone chapter that you could hand to a friend and just by reading it, they would know exactly what you discovered through your study
Tables are used to organize data that is too detailed or complicated to be described adequately in the text, allowing the reader to quickly see the results
All tables and figures should be numbered and have complete titles.
Row and column headings need to be provided also while axes have to be labeled in case of graphs.
x̄ = mean
f = frequency
General mean is the average of all the pooled mean
Pooled mean is the grand mean of the means of several subsamples, as long as the subsamples have the same number of data points.
standard deviation- provides an indication of how far the individual responses to a question vary or deviate from the mean
x = class mark
Magnitude – this is shown by the value of the correlation coefficient. The value determines whether the relationship is strong, weak, or moderate. A value of zero indicates no relationship.
Direction – this is shown by the positive or negative sign;
-1.0 or 1.0 = perfect
-0.3 to 0.3 = weak
the notion of covariation is expressed through measures of relations commonly referred to as correlations or associations
correlation coefficient value is denoted by r
Mean is the total sum of values in a sample divided by the number of values in your sample
For age and academic performance, frequency, mean, standard deviation, and percentage are applicable.
Age and academic performance are ratio data
sex and variants or indicators are nominal data
abstract is a short summary of your completed research
Recommendations are suggestions/solutions that address certain problems based on your study result
conclusion is intended to help the reader understand why your research should matter to them after they have finished reading the paper