Overall movement of particles when the movement of particles in one direction is greater than the movement of particles in the opposite direction
Concentration gradient
Difference in concentration of particles in two regions
When both regions being compared have the same concentration
Diffusion only takes place in the absence of a partially permeable membrane
Diffusion refers to the movement of particles down a concentration gradient
At equilibrium (i.e. no concentration gradient), movement of particles will stop
Diffusion in everyday life
The fragrance of food given out during cooking spreads throughout the kitchen
Digested food particles move through the wall of the small intestine into the bloodstream
Carbon dioxide in the air moves into the leaves through the stomata
Osmosis in everyday life
Pieces of potato placed in water swell
Water from the soil moves through the root hair cell
Factors affecting rate of diffusion
Concentration gradient
Diffusion distance
Surface area-to-volume ratio
The shorter the diffusion distance, the faster the rate of diffusion
In living organisms, diffusion distance is kept short by having a one-cell thick area for exchange of substances
One-cell thick areas for diffusion
Gaseous exchange in the lungs
Gaseous exchange in plants
Absorption of nutrients in small intestine
Surface area-to-volume ratio
The rate of food and oxygen intake is slower as the cell grows larger. It is not beneficial for the cell to grow too big.
The epithelial cells that line the small intestine have folds in their membranes which increase surface area-to-volume ratio for faster rate of absorption of substances from the lumen of the small intestine
Do you know how Kimchi is made?
Changes the environment surrounding the cabbage
The cabbage pieces shrink after a while
The cabbage pieces shrink
Because of osmosis
Chapter 2: Movement of Substances
A special form of diffusion, the net movement of water molecules from a region of higher water potential to a region of lower water potential through a partially permeable membrane
Partially permeable membrane
Allows some substances to pass through it but not others
Examples of partially permeable membranes
Cell membranes
Dialysis tubing
Demonstration of osmosis
1. Set up experiment with dialysis tubing
2. Observe level of solution rising in dialysis tubing
Water potential
A measure of the tendency of water to move from one place to another
Dilute solution
Has higher water potential
Concentrated solution
Has lower water potential
Comparison of concentrated and dilute solutions
Concentration of solute: High
Water potential of solvent: Low
Factors affecting rate of osmosis
Water potential gradient
Distance that water molecules need to move
Surface area-to-volume ratio
Cells are living osmotic systems
What happens to a plant cell in a solution with higher water potential
1. Cell sap has lower water potential than surrounding solution
2. Water enters by osmosis
3. Cell expands and becomes turgid
4. Cell wall prevents cell from bursting
What happens to an animal cell in a solution with higher water potential
1. Cell sap has higher water potential than surrounding solution
2. Water leaves by osmosis
3. Cell becomes flaccid
4. Cytoplasm shrinks away from cell wall and cell becomes plasmolysed
What happens to a plant cell in a solution with lower water potential
1. Cell sap has higher water potential than surrounding solution
2. Water leaves by osmosis
3. Cell becomes flaccid
4. Cytoplasm shrinks away from cell wall and cell becomes plasmolysed
What happens to an animal cell in a solution with lower water potential
Cell swells up and may burst
A cell immersed in a solution with the same water potential as its cytoplasm will not change its size or shape
Plays an important role in maintaining the shape of soft tissues in plants, keeps herbaceous plants firm and upright
Loss of turgidity
Causes the plant to wilt
Changes in turgor
Cause the movements of some plant parts, e.g. opening and closing of stomata
Plasmolysis causes tissues to become limp or flaccid
When cells of a plant become flaccid, the plant wilts
Water may be added to the soil to dilute the soil solution, causing water molecules to enter the plant cells and keeping the plant firm and upright