RE - Component 1

Cards (46)

  • Genesis - Adam and Eve 

    Definition : Old Testament account of God creating humans
    Christian example : Adam from soil, Eve from his rib to keep him company
    Muslim example : Adam and Hawa, first man and prophet made of clay, sinned, repented, forgiven
  • Big Bang Theory

    Definition : scientific theory of the origin of the universe
    Christian example : non literalists agree, there was a beginning thats how God did it
    Muslim example : Most have no problem with it as the Qur’an doesn’t contradict it
    Atheists : Agree with it
  • Evolution
    Definition : Gradual development of life on earth
    Christian example : some literalists deny, some modern liberalists agree
    Muslim example : Many accept for animals but most reject it for humans
  • Stewardship
    Definition : job of looking after the environment
    Christian example :” God put man in the garden to cultivate it”
    Muslim example : “ Greater than the creation of man is the creation of the heavens and earth”
  • Speciesism
    Definition : view of human superiority leading to exploitation of animals
    Christian example : “Every plant and animal for food“
    Muslim example : “ One who kills unnecessarily, even a sparrow, will be questioned by Allah on the day of judgement“
  • Sanctity of life 

    Definition : Life is sacred because it comes from God- therefore God is in charge of matters of life and death
    Christian example : “ God created man in his own image
    Muslim example : “Do not take life which Allah made sacred”
  • Quality of life 

    Definition : Life should be pleasurable and meaningful
    Christian example : Some Christian’s believe that in some cases quality of life is more important than the sanctity of life
    Muslim example : Sancity of life is more important, life must be preserved even if it is bad quality
  • Abortion
    Definition : medically ending a pregnancy
    Christian example : Pro life only God can take life “thou shall not kill” 10 commandments
    Muslim example : Pro life “ do not kill your children for fear of poverty“
  • Euthanasia
    Definition : assisted suicide
    Christian example : Against as life is a gift given by God “thou shall not kill” 10 commandments
    Muslim example : Against as all life is sacred because it’s given by Allah “Do not take life, which Allah made sacred, other than in course of justice“
  • Families
    Definition : Group of people usually related who support each-other
    Christian example : “ Those who dont provide for their families are worse than unbelievers“
    Muslim example : “ Be kind to your parents“
  • Christian attitudes to marriage 

    Most Christian’s believe marriage is a gift from God
    Ceremonies often take place in a church or cathedral which reflects the importance of the relationship referred to in the new testament : “ but at the beginning of creation God made them male and female “ Mark 10:6-8
  • Muslim attitudes to marriage 

    The Qu’ran refers to the importance of marriage and how it is the basis of family life and the best environment for raising children
    All Muslims are encouraged to marry in order to have a companion
    Muslims believe marriage is a gift from God and that people should marry.
    “He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquility in them“
  • Nikah
    The Muslim wedding ceremony in which a man and women declare their commitment to one another. May take place in a mosque
  • Temporary unannounced marriage 

    Some Shi’a Muslims practice temporary unannounced marriage. This is a formal arrangement in which the contract specifies terms of the marriage.
    This however is not permitted by Sunni Muslims
  • Jewish attitudes to marriage
    Most Jewish people regard marriage as being a blessing from God and it is an important spiritual ceremony. Both partners must enter marriage with the right intentions and are expected to respect and be faithful to each other . Marriage is seen as the basis of family life
  • Christian attitudes to cohabitation 

    Traditionally it was prohibited but there has been increased tolerance in some denominations. Liberal anglicans for example accept cohabitation where it is part of a committed relationship. However some denominations disagree with cohabitation as they believe it devalues the special and sacred nature of sex which should only take place within marriage, the catholics for example are more conservative
  • Muslim attitudes towards cohabitation 

    According to the teachings it is always wrong, Muslims believe that for a couple to live together in a sexual relationship they must first be married
  • Jewish attitudes to cohabitation
    For many Jewish people it is important that couples get married rather than cohabit. In the Torah for two people to live as husband and wife, they require blessings from God. This only takes place when they declare marriage vows
  • Christian attitudes to adultery 

    Christianity teaches that adultery is wrong for the following reasons:
    • marriage is sexually exclusive and should not be shared with anyone else
    • The Ten Commandments forbid adultery: ‘ you shall not commit adultery’
    • Marriage is a gift from God and adultery goes against this
    • It destroys the special relationship between a husband and wife
  • Muslim attitudes towards adultery 

    Islam teaches that adultery is wrong for the following reasons:
    • Sex outside marriage is generally strongly disapproved of
    • Marriage is a life long union based on trust, morality and devotion
    • Vows promising to be faithful
    • Adultery is seen as harmful to society so against the unity and peace of the ummah
    • ‘ And do not approach unlawful sexual intercourse ‘
  • Jewish attitudes to adultery 

    Judaism teaches that adultery is wrong for the following reasons:
    • The Ten Commandments forbid adulteryyou shall not commit adultery’
    • Sex is only acceptable within a marriage
    • Halakah emphasises that a husband should be sexually considerate towards his wife and not be sexually disloyal
    • Men and women are most fulfilled through marriage
  • Christian attitudes to divorce 

    There a significant differences between the different Christian denominations when it comes to attitude to divorce
    The Catholic Church does not recognise divorce and regards marriage as a lifelong commitment, they believe the only 2 options are annulment or separation
    ‘Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate‘
    However the Anglican Church accept divorce however remarriage of a divorced person is left to the personal decision of a minister.
  • Environmental sustainability 

    Ensuring that the demands placed on natural resources can be met without reducing capacity to allow all people and species to live well
  • Abortion
    Medical termination of pregnancy
  • Soul
    Spiritual aspect of a being which connects someone to God
  • Christian beliefs about origin of universe 

    There are 2 stories which describe Gods creation of the world:
    Genesis 1:1-2:3 : The first creation story describes how God created the earth over 6 days and rested on the seventh day’ And God said let there be light‘
    The second creation story teaches that God made Adam first before animals and placed him in the garden of Eden to live in paradise. Adam was formed from the dust of the ground and the breath of God, making him the son of the earth. To give him a companion God created Eve out of one of Adam’s ribs
  • Christian attitudes to origin of universe 

    Creationists take a literalist view of the bible, they say the creation stories describe literal historical events whereas liberal Christians say that they are myths which carry deep symbolic meanings
  • Islamic beliefs about origin of universe 

    The Qur’an teaches that Gos is the all knowing creator. Unlike the bible there is no single creation story in the Qur’an, passages about the creation are scattered throughout the Qu’ran. These include : God created the heavens and earth from formless matter over six long periods of time. Adam was made of clay by God and had life breathed into him
  • Islamic attitudes about the origin of the universe
    Islam teaches that the Qur’an is a sacred text and that the words it contains are actual words for God. Therefore most Muslims believe that the Qur’an must be taken literally. Many Muslims are creationists, they say it was God who made the earth, it could not have possibly come out itself. However there are also Muslims who accept scientific explanations of the world while also believing in the Qur’an
  • Christian attitudes to stewardship
    Christians believe that life is a gift from God and that God has given humans the role of stewards in the world .
    The laws in the old testament tells people to treat animals and land kindly.
    Christians believe they will be judged on how they have treated the earth.
  • Islamic views on stewardship 

    The Qur’an says that Adam was created as Allah’s steward to rule the earth.
    Muslims believe in Tawhid meaning that because Allah is one, everything he creates is one too, everything depends on everything else, so if we harm the environment, we are harming ourselves.
    If earth is a gift from God then we should treat it with respect
  • Christian attitudes to abortion
    Goes against the 10 commandments which says ‘thou shall not kill’
    Goes against the sancity of life
    Catholics - Its wrong because it goes against the natural law, its wrong because life begins at conception and it is special from then.
    Church of England - Acceptable sometimes, if mothers life is at risk
  • Muslim attitudes to abortion
    Most Muslims see abortion as haram as it goes against the sancity of life.
    Its forbidden to have an abortion for economic reasons.
    Some Muslims allow abortion up to 16 weeks others up to 7 weeks, this is because there is a disagreement about when the foetus becomes a person.
    Before 120 days the mothers rights are more important, after 120 days the foetus and mother are equal.
  • Humanist attitudes to abortion
    Humanists will generally weigh up the evidence and think about the long term consequences. Generally Pro choice.
  • Christian views on Euthansia 

    Most Christians believe euthanasia is not acceptable because it goes against the sancity of life principle. Murder is against the 10 commandments. Life is a gift from Gid killing it is wrong.
    Some liberal Christians believe that Euthanasia is acceptable because there is clear medical evidence that the person won’t recover.
  • Muslim attitudes to Euthanasia
    Most Muslims are against Euthansia because the Qur’an tells them that all life is made by God so killing is a sin.
    Euthanasia interferes with God’s plan.
    It is considered as haram.
    We should be compassionate towards the sick which doesn’t involve killing them.
  • Christian attitudes to death and afterlife 

    Some Christians are dualists they believe that we are made from two distinctive parts: the body and the soul. They say that the soul is the true inner part of us, it is eternal and will continue to live on even after the death of our body.
    Other christians are non dualists. They say that the body and soul is one and cannot be separated
  • Humanist attitudes to death and afterlife 

    Humanists are marterialists, so they dismiss any suggestion that we have a soul. They believe in a scientific description of human life and they reject beliefs about spiritual existence.
  • Muslim teachings about the soul
    Islam teaches that as humans we have both physical and non physical aspects. The soul is an invisible part of an individuals existence which is pure at birth.
    The Qur’an teaches that humans are created when god breathes a soul into them
  • Purpose and nature of Christian family 

    “The family is the original cell of social life”
    “Honour your father and your mother“