Grouping organisms together based on their similarities or homologies.
CarlLinnaeus is the father of taxonomy and binomial system of naming organisms. The binomial system is a system of naming organisms that uses two names, one for the genus and one for the species.
A species is a group of very similar organisms that can successfully interbreed with one other to produce furtile offspring.
The order of the classification system is Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species.
Kingdom is the largest division. It has all the phyla, classes orders, families and species.
Taxonomy is the study of classification, involves naming and identification.
Artificial Classification is based on easilyobserved characteristics, like colour, shape or number of legs.
NaturalClassification uses naturalrelationships to group organisms into groups based on shared characteristics.
Taxon is a category into which related organisms are placed.
Domains are the two main groups and every single organism falls into either of these group. They are Eukaryotes and Prokaryotes.
Viruses do not fit within the classification system, they do not have true cellular system and they only showing characteristics when they enter into a livingcell.
Organisms in domain Prokaryotes are unicellular and lack a nucleus.
Organisms in Domain Eukaryote have a truenucleus and has a nuclearmembrane.
The kingdom in Domain Prokaryote
Kingdom Prokaryotae
The kingdoms in Domain Eukaryotes
The Kingdom Prokaryotae (Prokaryotes) includes bacteria. The characteristics of:
No nucleus
Saprophytic or Parasitic
Kingdom Protoctista (Eukaryotes)- Simples organisms which lives in the water. They have true nucleus and has no cell wall.
Kingdom Fungi (Eukaryotes)- fungi do not have chlorophyll for photosynthesis. Feedsaprophytically on organic materials or feed off organism. The characteristics are:
No chlorophyll,
Feed saprophytically or parasitically
has cell walls
Saprophytic nutrition involves organisms feeding on dead and decaying organisms. Saprophytes secrete enzymes that digest these dead materials which they then absorb after it has been digested.
Kingdom Plantae (Eukaryotes)- All Plants.
The characteristics:
Use chlorophyll.
Cell walls made of cellulose.
Kingdom Animalia (Eukaryote)- All animal. The characteristics:
do not have chlorophyll
Able to move from place to place
Not able to make their own food
No cell wall
The Phyla in the Kingdom Animalia are
Phylum Porifera
Phylum Cnidaria
Phylum Annelida
Phylum Arthropoda
Phylum Echinodermata
Phylum Mollusca
Phylum Chordata
Eukaryote, Animalia, Porifera
Water sponges, they are stationary, has no mouth or digestive system and has a system of water chambers and channels.
Eukaryotes, Animalia, Cnidaria
Animals made of only two layers of cells. They have one opening and a ring of tentacles with a mouth in its center.
Eukaryote, Animalia, Annelida
Worm with bodies made up of ring like segments. Most live in water. The characteristics are
No legs
Animal with bodies made up of ring like structures
Have chaetae
A chaetae is a bristle made of chitin.
Eukaryote, Animalia, Arthropoda
Animals with several pairsjointed legs but no backbone. They have waterproof exoskeleton. The largest group of organisms.
The classes in Phylum Arthropoda
Class Crustacea
Class Arachnida
Class Insecta
Class Diplopoda
Class Chilopods
Eukaryote, Animalia, Arthropoda, Crustacea
Includes crabs, lobsters and woodlice. Breathe through gills.
Arthropods with more than 4 pairs of jointed legs
Breathe through gills
Eukaryote, Animalia, Arthropoda, Arachnida
Spiders, ticks and scorpions
Arthropods with exactly 4 pairs of jointed legs
Breathe through booklungs
Eukaryote, Animalia, Arthropoda, Insecta
Arthropods with 3 pairs of jointed legs
Two pairs of wings
Breathe through tracheae.
Eukaryote, Animalia, Arthropoda, Diplopoda
Body consisting of many segments
Each segment has two pairs of legs
Eukaryote, Animalia, Arthropoda, Chilopoda
Body has many segments
Each segment only has one pair of legs
Front segment has a large pair of poison claws
Eukaryote, Animalia, Arthropoda, Echinodermata
Includes the starfish, sea urchins and sand dollars.