Waste residue of indigestible materials of an animal's digestive tract expelled through the anus during defecation
Newborn's first feces
Scatology or Carpology
Study of the feces
Composition of feces
¾ water, ¼ solid
Undigested and Unabsorbed food
Intestinal secretions, Mucous
Bile pigments and Salts
Bacteria and Inorganic material
Epithelial cell, Leukocytes
Stool collection
1. Universal Precautions
2. Stool should be collected in a dry, sterilized, wide mouthed container
3. It should be uncontaminated with urine or any other body secretions
4. Properly named and always a fresh sample should be tested
Macroscopic examination of stool
Volume <200 gms/day
Blood, Mucous
Parts of parasite and adult parasite
Normal color of human fecal matter
Yellowish brown in color which results from a combination of bile and bilirubin
Variations in stool color
Bright Red/ Maroon
Blood streak
Tan/ Clay
Pale greasy
Color of feces in infants
Exclusively breast-fed infants pass loose and green or pasty and yellow stools
Infants fed on cow's milk preparations pass stools of a paler yellow color and of a much firmer consistency
Babies fed on newer modified cow's milk preparations have clay colored or greenish stools
Some healthy children may pass frequents, loose stools containing undigested vegetable matter called as Toddler's diarrhea
Odor of stool
Depends on the pH of the stool and INDOLE and SKETOLE are the substances that produce normal odor formed by Intestinal bacterial fermentation and putrefaction
A foul odor is caused by degradation of undigested protein and excessive carbohydrate intake
Sickly sweet odor is produced by undigested lactose
Stool characteristics and associated conditions
Diarrhea mixed with mucous and blood is suggestive of Typhoid, Amoebiasis, Typhus, Large bowel Carcinoma
Diarrhea mixed with mucous and Pus is suggestive of Ulcerative Colitis, Regional Enteritis, Shigellosis, Salmonellosis, Acute diverticulitis, Intestinal TB
Pasty stool with high fat content is suggestive of CBD Obstruction, Cystic fibrosis-butter stool
Translucent gelatinous mucous clinging to the surface of the formed stool is found in Spastic Constipation, Excessive straining, Mucous colitis
Rice water stools which is colorless and almost devoid of odor is suggestive of Cholera
Stools may look like Redcurrant jelly in Intussusception
2. Slide preparation: A drop of warm Saline or Lugol's Iodine is placed over a clean microscopic slide, About 2mg of stool sample should be taken and mixed with soln placed over the slide, Coverslip is placed avoiding air bubbles, Examined under Microscope
Pinworm egg collection
Eggs of pinworm – Enterobius vermicularis rarely appear in stools, These are usually collected in the folds of the skin in perianal region, Collection: Cotton swab/ Plaster patch – anus especially in early morning – dipped in Saline – Observed
Examination of parasites
Warm stools are best for detecting Ova or parasites, Do not refrigerate the specimen, Because of cyclic life cycle of parasites, three separate random stool specimens are recommended for examination
Normal values in stool examination
Undigested food materials – none to small amount
Starch – None
Eggs, Cysts, Parasitic fragments – None
Yeasts – None
Leukocytes – None
Leukocytes in stool
Large amounts of leukocytes is suggestive of Chronic Ulcerative Colitis, Chronic Bacillary Dysentery, Localised Abscess, Fistulas
Mononuclear Leukocytes appear in Typhoid
Polymorphonuclear Leukocytes appear in Shigellosis, Salmonellosis, Invasice E. coli diarrhea, Ulcerative Colitis
Gram -- ve - E. coli, Enterobacter, Proteus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Bacteroides
Gram + ve - Clostridia, Lactobacilli, Enterococci, Anaerobic streptococci
Human feces contain approximately 1011 organisms per gram wet weight as normal flora, Whereas gut bacterial pathogens rarely exceed 105 organisms per gram
Stool culture
1. Culture media usually used is of AGAR and is done aerobically
2. XLD Agar media – Salmonella Shigella
3. TCBS Agar media- Cholera
4. MacConkey media - Yersinia enterocolitica
5. Campylobacter culture media for Campylobacter species
6. The mainstay of diagnosis of bacterial infections of the gut is by culture
Hanging drop test
Place a drop stool in the center of a coverslip, Place a drop of water / vaseline at each corner of the coverslip, Invert a slide with a central depression over the coverslip, The coverslip will stick to the slide and when the slide inverted the drop of bacterial is culture will be suspended in the central depression of the slide, Examine microscopically (X100) for motile organisms
Chemical examination of stool
Water - Up to 75%
pH - 5.8 to 7.5
Occult blood, RS – Negative
Bile - Negative in Adults, Positive in Children
Sodium - 5.8 to 9.8 mEq/24hrs
Chlorides - 2.5 to 3.9 mEq/24hrs
Potassium - 15.7 to 20.7 mEq/24hrs
Lipids / Fatty acids - 0 to 6 gms/24hrs
Nitrogen - <2.5g/24hrs
Increased pH - Alkaline
Antibiotic use
Villous adenoma
Excess Protein in diet
Decreased pH - Acidic
Carbohydrate Malabsorption
Fat Malabsorption
Disaccharidase deficiency
Occult blood - Benzidine test
Peroxidase action of hemoglobin in stool
Microscopic examination of fecal sample
1. Depression of the slide
2. Examine microscopically (X100) for motile organisms
Parasite found in fecal sample
Parasite found in fecal sample
Characteristic of parasite found in fecal sample
Location of parasite found in fecal sample
Microscopic single-celled organism found in fecal sample
Part of protozoan cell found in fecal sample
Part of protozoan cell found in fecal sample
Part of protozoan cell found in fecal sample
Part of protozoan cell found in fecal sample
Part of protozoan cell found in fecal sample
Microscopic single-celled organism found in fecal sample