journey that has a spiritualpurpose, where the destination may be a sacredreligiousplace
Why do Catholics believe that life is a pilgrimage?
life is a journey to meetGod at death -> therefore the Church is the pilgrimpeople of God
What is a dramatised prayer?
Prayer that involvesphysicalactions
How do Catholics accompany Jesus in the Stations of the Cross?
When Catholicspraybefore the Stations of the Cross, they accompanyJesus on his finaljourney with a type of dramatisedprayer
Why do Catholics make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem?
SomeCatholics make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem where they may do the Stations of the Cross on the ViaDolorosa, the street through which Jesuscarried his cross
Give a quote that describe Christian views about life as a pilgrimage to heaven
to be healedphysically or spiritually by the waters
to feel stronger & more at peace in body & mind
How can films inspire Christians?
inspiresChristians to become more involved in missionary work & evangelism
How is mission through God’s love in good actions portrayed in film?
In LesMiserables, a thiefstealssilver from the bishop
the bishopstops the police from arresting the thief by claiming it was a gift
persuades thief to become a betterperson
the thiefsetsup a factory to helpcreatejobs & benefit from the wealth the bishopgave him
How is the important of following God’s law (mission & evangelism) shown in film?
In Les Miserables, the thief is pursued by a formerjailer who refuses to forgive the thief for his crimes & wants him to be back in jail
the thief however saves the jailerslife& the jailerfinds he cannotarrest him
the thief’skindact saves him from prison -> therefore Goodnesswins out over the law
How is commitment to God through mission & evangelism shown in film?
in TheMission,European priests doing missionarywork with native Americans
when natives are attacked by slave owners, priestsdefend the nativesdespitedanger of death & cautions to leave from the order of the bishops
Why are films important to mission & evangelism?
illustrates the power such values can have to change & improvepeople’slives
inspires & encouragesChristians to show these values in their ownlives
helps to inspireChristians to preach the Gospelmessage to others & to show it in their lives by their actions
What is the Kingdom of God?
not a place
idea of God’s authority & rule
How was the Kingdom of God established?
through Jesus
continues to grow through the presentday,completed at the end of time
What is the Lord’s Prayer?
prayer that Jesustaught to his disciples
gives an idea of what is required for God’s kingdom to grow on earth
What is the meaning of ‘Our Father, who art in heaven’?
Jesus wants allpeople to be able to call God their ‘Father’, & to have a trustingrelationship with him
What is the meaning of ‘hallowed be thy name’?
prayer for God to be accepted as holy
when peoplerespect the majesty & holiness of God, they recognise the importance of God in their lives, so they accept the call to becomemembers of God’sKingdom
What is the meaning of ‘thy kingdom come’?
a prayer for God’s Kingdom to come, & for people to accept the rule of God in their hearts
What are the signs needed for the ‘perfect’ kingdom?
How can Christians help the Kingdom of God to grow on Earth?
By contributing to:
Both in their ownlives & the lives of others
How can justice spread the Kingdom of God on Earth?
recognises that allpeople are created & lovedequally by God
treatsallpeoplefairly & equally, regardless of e.g. sex, race, religion
ensuresallpeople have access to basic human rights
How can peace spread the Kingdom of God on Earth?
supportingorganisations that work for justice & unity
is a state of totaltrust & unitybetweenallpeople
flows from justice - there can be nopeace where there is injustice
How can reconciliation spread the Kingdom of God on Earth?
restores damaged relationshipsbetweenpeople -> helpspeace & justice to spread
bringsbackpeople who have broken apart
relies on acceptance & empathy
What is the significance of the hierachy in the Catholic Church?
Recognisespeople’sauthority & responsibility
Brings about unity
What is the Second Vatican Council?
series of meetingsheld by the Pope & bishops between 1962 & 1965
it produced a series of documents that reflected a more modernapproach to the Church & the world
What is the hierarchy of the Catholic Church?
The Pope
Lay people
Who are Cardinals?
Appointed by the Pope; they elect his successor
Who are the Bishops?
Successors to the apostles
Responsible for a diocese
What is a diocese?
a largearea of churches
What are the documents in the Second Vatican Council?
Dei Verbum (the Word of God)
Lumen Gentium (on the Church)
Sacrosantum Concillium (on the Sacred Liturgy)
What is Dei Verbum (word of God)?
stresses that the Bible should be takenseriously as the word of God, but shouldnot be read in a literalway
What is Lumen Gentium (on the Church)?
nature & structure of Church -> allmembers of the Church have important roles to play not just the Pope