wears 'denim' - working class like most in society
'restlesseyes' - could suggest hes tired or he doesnt trustsociety and he's cautious of his surroundings
Lennie 'stayedbehind' george meaning hes like a guardian or parent figure
isolationnormalised where the boss thinks george is 'tryingtoputover' somethinig as he 'neverseenoneguytakesomuchtroubleforanotherguy'
Georges dream is to have a 'littlehouse' a 'coupleofacres' because he wants to be self sufficient: 'anitdbeourown, annobodycouldcanus'
george is representative of society with negative harsh views on women 'jailbait', 'tramp' and objectifies them 'so thats what curley picks for a wife'
intro & what george represents
first impressions
relationship w lennie and how together combat loneliness
boss and slims reaction to relationship
george's dream w lennie
george represents societies view on mentally disabled people and women