How Hitler consolidated his power after becoming Chancellor
1. Feb 1933 - SA given status of police to arrest and intimidate opponents
2. Feb 1933 - Reichstag fire led to Decree for Protection of People and State allowing arrests without trial and seizing local government
3. March 1933 - Nazis used intimidation and fraud to increase vote in election, gaining majority with Nationalist Party
4. March 1933 - Hitler persuaded Reichstag to pass Enabling Act allowing cabinet to pass laws without Reichstag approval
5. March 1933 - Local government leaders replaced by Nazis, regional parliaments closed down
6. April 1933 - Jews and anti-Nazis sacked from Civil Service
7. May 1933 - All trade unions abolished
8. July 1933 - Law against formation of new parties, all except Nazi party banned
9. June 1934 - Night of Long Knives, Hitler assassinated opponents within Nazi party and SA
10. August 1934 - Hitler became Fuhrer, head of state with supreme power
11. August 1934 - Armed forces swore oath of unconditional loyalty to Hitler