Cards (25)

  • Linkage in sweet peas
    william bateson, edith saunders, reginald punnett
  • linkage in drosophilia
    thomas hunt morgan
  • used linkage for chromosome mapping
    alfred sturtevant, herman muller, calvin bridges
  • association of sex characteristics with particular chromosomes
  • Barr body at interphase of nucleus in female humans, cats, mice
    Murray Barr
  • confirmed Barr body through lyonization / x-inactivation
    Mary Lyon
  • isolated a molecule different from protein and called it DNA
    Friedrich miescher
  • discovered nucleus as the msot obvious cellular component
    ernst haeckel
  • used staining technique to discover DNA as the most important nuclear element
    edmund wilson
  • identified that the transforming principle is DNA
    Oswald Avery, colin macleod, maclyn McCarty
  • used blender experiment to prove DNA as the genetic material of bacterial viruses
    Alfred Hershey, Martha chase
  • used transduction experiment in salmonella typhimurium to prove DNA as genetic material
    Norton zinder, joshua, esther lederberg
  • from kings college london, studied DNA structure using x-ray diffraction
    Maurice Wilkins, rosalind franklin, gosling
  • from cambridge university, studied DNA structure and won noble prize
    francis crick, james watson
  • proved purine-pyrimidine ratio is 1:1
    erwin chargaff
  • discovered hydrogen in the bases can change position
    jerry donohue
  • nucleotides are flat, stack on top of another
    john griffith
  • studied alkaptonuria and relationship between gene and specific enzyme
    Archibald Garrod
  • one gene-one enzyme hypothesis
    George Beadle, Edward Tatum
  • constructed synthetic mRNA with different nucleotide combinations
    Har Gobind Khorana
  • proposed the need for genetic coding system
    George gamow
  • made synthetic RNAs using polynucleotide phosphorylate
    Mariane Grunberg - Manago, Severo Ochoa
  • produced artificial mRNA introduced into cell free system
    Marshall Nirenberg, Johann Heinrich Matthaei
  • transformation experiment using streptococcus pneumonia confirmed transforming principle
    frederick griffith
  • found DNA replication to be sem-conservative
    Matthew Meselson, Franklin Stahl