L4-6 quiz

Cards (10)

  • conjugation occurs by:

    exchange of haploid micronuclei
  • prokaryotic microorganisms do not contain membrane bound organelles
  • not every prey ingested by a protist cell is digested as some bacteria can pass through the protozoan cell or divide within them
  • if an organism can only utilise carbon in an inorganic form it feeding type is:
  • fossils of which group of amoeba are abundant in the White Cliffs of Dover
  • plasmids are considered to have risen from an endosymbiotic relationship between a heterotrophic protist and a _

  • a small protist, with a single flagellum, attached to surfaces with a stalk, trap bacteria in tentacles which form a collar at the base of the flagellum:
    Monosiga sp.
  • protists are:
    a mainly unicellular group of eukaryotes
  • non-motile protist feeding by protruding sticky cytoplasm or spines to catch a motile prey is _ type of feeding
  • amoebic infection of the eye causes