Paper 3 Schizophrenia

Cards (51)

  • Type 1 Schizophrenia

    Positive symptoms (added symptoms)
    - distortion of reality
    - Delusions
    - Grossly disorganised/catatonic behaviour
    - Hallucinations
    - Disordered speech
  • Type 2 Schizophrenia

    Negative symptoms (take away reality)
    - Lack normal function
    - Affective flattening
    - Speech poverty
    - Avolition
  • Prognosis - Rule of Thirds
    1/3 recover
    1/3 episodic impairment
    1/3 chronic disorder
  • DSM classification of schizophrenia

    - Characteristic symptoms : 2+ symptoms from list for most of 1 month period
    - Social/occupational dysfunction : 1+ areas of functioning must be below level before
    - Duration : at least 6 months
  • Diagnostic reliability
    - Results are repeatable
    - Inter-rater reliability
    - Eli Cheniaux et al = 2 psychiatrists diagnose 100 patients using DSM and ICD, inter-rater reliability poor
  • Mojitabi and Nicholson

    50 senior psychiatrists, difficult differentiating between bizarre and not bizarre, could impact reliability
  • Cheniaux (validity)

    - Validity is if the correct thing is diagnosed
    - Greater diagnosis of schizophrenia when using ICD than DSM, lack of validity in one diagnosis
  • Buckley et al (co-morbidity)

    50% of people with schizophrenia could also be given a diagnosis of depression.
    In some cases depression can look like shcizophrenia
  • Cotton et al

    Female patients typically function better than men, being more likely to work and have good family relationships
    So women are less likely to be diagnosed
  • Escobar
    White psychiatrists over interpret symptoms and distrust black people when diagnosing
  • Bio approach = Dopamine hypothesis

    - Schizophrenia is a result of too much dopamine
    - Golman -Rakic = Not enough dopamine in prefrontal cortex (responsible for decision making)
  • Bio approach = Dopamine hypothesis AO3

    - Drugs that block dopamine reduce symptoms,
    - Parkinson's disease treated to increase dopamine increase symptoms of schizophrenia
    - Barlow and Durand = Neuroleptic drugs block dopamine quickly, fail to reduce symptoms
    - Kane et al = new drug block dopamine less than neuroleptic drugs.
    - Correlational evidence
  • Bio approach = Neural correlates

    - When we find which part of the brain correlated to which function
    - Ventral striatum is involved in anticipation, cause problem with motivation
  • Bio approach = Neural correlates AO3
    - Juckel = measured activity levels in ventral striatum in schizophrenia lower levels of activity
    - Allen = support low level of activation by scanning brains with auditory hallucinations
  • Bio approach = Twin studies Gottesman
    Suggested greater genetic similarity is positively associate with the increased risk of schizophrenia. 48% chance if MZ twin, 17% chance DZ
  • Bio approach = Twin studies Gottesman AO3
    + strong evidence
    + good meta-analysis
    + all twin studies show higher concordance in MZs
    + Concordance for MZ raised apart is similar to together
    + Schizophrenia
  • Bio approach = Adoption studies Tienari
    164 adoptees whose bio mothers has been diagnosed with schizophrenia 11 had diagnosis themselves, compared to 4% whose mothers didn't have illness, but were adopted
  • Bio approach = Adoption studies Tienari AO3
    + Shows some role of environment
    - Could be that adoptive parents of children expected them to get the illness, influence outcome
  • Bio approach = Candidate genes

    Individual genes associated with risk of inheritance
  • Bio approach = Candidate genes AO3

    Role of mutation = mutation of parental DNA by radiation or viral infection
    Brown = paternal age increase with schizophrenia risk 0.7% fathers under 25 to 2% fathers over 25
  • Bio treatment = Typical antipsychotics

    - Chlorpromazine
    - Block dopamine
    - Prevent dopamine binding to the D2 receptor
    - Kapur et al = 60-70% of D2 receptors in mesolimbic dopamine pathway blocked for drugs to be effective
  • Bio treatment = Typical antipsychotics side effects

    - Extrapyramidal side effects = tardive dyskenia (facial tics)
    - Caused by too many dopamine receptors being blocked
  • Bio treatment = Atypical antipsychotics
    - Risperidone and Clozapine
    - Block dopamine temporarily then dissociate to allow normal transmission
    - Stronger affinity for seretonin
    - Less side effects only weight gain
  • Bio treatment = risperidone vs clozapine

    - Risperidone has less side effects and one dose lasts 2 weeks
    - Risperidone binds more strongly to dopamine receptors
  • Bio treatment AO3 = Leucht et al
    - meta analysis of 65 studies 1959-2011 = 6000 patients stabilised on atypical, some receive placebo
    - 64% placebo relapse
    - 27% drug relapse
  • Bio treatment AO3 = Extrapyramidal side effects
    - Typical antipsychotics cause extrapyramidal side effects, extended periods cause tardive dyskenia
  • Bio treatment AO3 = Ethical problems with typical antipsychotics

    - Antipsychotic cost benefit analysis is negative as more side effects than positives
    - Oppose article 3 of human rights act
  • Bio treatment AO3 = Advantages of atypical over typical
    - Atypical better than typical as there are less side effects as with continued treatment symptoms reduce
  • Bio treatment AO3 = Crossley et al

    - Meta analysis of 15 studies no sig diff between effectiveness
    - Atypical more weight gain
    - Typical more side effects
  • Bio treatment AO3 = Motivational deficits

    - Medication ignores importance of social impact, reduce suffering if understood
  • Psych explanations = cognitive explanation

    - Can't filter stimulus and process to extract meaning
    - Become overwhelmed with sensory info and unable to process and interpret
  • Psych explanations = Frith's model

    - Can't distinguish between conscious and preconscious processing
    - Delusions = unimportant info gets seen as important
    - Hallucinations = Bombarded with sounds constantly and preconscious mechanisms interpret and reach conscious
  • Psych explanations = Hemsley's model

    - Schizophrenics schema not activated, they are subject to overload of sensory info and don't know which to attend to
    - Internal speech and thoughts not recognised but come external source
  • Family dysfunction = Schizophrenogenic mother

    Fromm - Reichman
    - Schizophrenia arose from being reared by cold and domineering mother who is overprotective but rejecting, confuse emotions
  • Family dysfunction = Double bind
    Bateson et al
    - Members of family communicate in destructive fashion, schizophrenia is reaction to pathological parent presenting child with contradicting messages
  • Psychological treatments = Cognitive treatment
    Assume schizophrenics have irrational thoughts about themselves and they world around them. Irrational thoughts contribute to development and maintenance.
    Challenge irrational thoughts
  • Psychological treatments = CBT
    - Disputing = use common sense
    - Empirical = Ask for evidence
    - Pragmatic = So what?
  • Psychological treatments = Token economy

    - Behavioural approach
    - selective positive reinforcement, rewarded for behaving correctly by tokens exchanged for real rewards
    - Tokens are secondary reinforcers as they obtain tokens and get primary reinforcers from these
  • Psychological treatments = Token economy AO3

    - Ethical issues = gives professionals power over individual and impose norms upon others, restrict pleasure and personal freedom
    - Patronising
    - Too simplistic and ignore hallucinations
  • Psychological treatments = expressed emotion

    Level of emotion expressed toward person with schizophrenia by carers