Reducedwrist extension and reduced aperture creation (stiff fingers)
Main Analysis Findings
impairment in transport phase - poor acceleration and deceleration phase - aperturecant increase enough during acceleration - maybe due to finger extensor weakness (reduced aperture)
impairment in stabilisation phase - maybe due to wrist extensor weakness/lack of rom at MCP joint(reduced wrist extension)
maybe issue with manipulation and release phase due to stiff fingers
Reduced wrist extension and reduced aperture creation (stiff fingers)
Further tests/investigations you would like to do
wrist and finger extensor strength/rom - oxford scale/goniometer
feedback from cutaneous sensation and proprioception - assists aperture after making contact with object
visual - object identification - impacts reach and hand shape
Reduced wrist extension and reduced aperture creation (stiff fingers)
A suitable outcome measure
extensor strength test
sensation test
grip strength - dynamometer and oxford scale
rom - tracing/goniometer
Reduced wrist extension and reduced aperture creation (stiff fingers)
Justification for selection of treatment
elastic band finger extension exercise - place squeaky ball in the middle as well to practice control of aperture
wrist extension exercise (clock exercise - pretend wrist is minute hand of clock, move to 1 min past 12, then progress to 2 mins past 12 etc)
Reduced wrist extension and reduced aperture creation (stiff fingers)
Justification of approaches to facilitated learning
refer to R&G scenario 1
Reduced wrist extension and reduced aperture creation (stiff fingers)