The two processes that could cause variations are crossing over and mutation
the fact that at least one species of resistant bacteria has developed for almost every antibiotic is evidence that the bacteria has adapted and could be evolving into different species
these organisms are homologous because they belong to organisms that probably evolved form a common ancestor
homologous structures might be the result of a change in allele frequencies over successive generations. They probably continued because they were beneficial in a particular environment
a short type of sunflower might be identified as a new species because they are unable to breed with other sunflowers from the original population
if over a period of years the bark on trees became spotted, the unique characteristic that beetles would show through biological adaptation is that they'd become spotted
with the theory of natural selection, some individuals are more likely to survive an reproduce because they are better adapted to their environment than others
variation is a factor within species that increases the likelihood that some members of a species will survive when environmental conditions change
in order for evolution to occur, there must be natural selection
stabilizing selection favors average individuals in a population
scientists can estimate at what point various groups of organisms diverged evolutionarily from one another by using DNA evidence
Charles Darwin personally observed finches of the same species while traveling through the Galápagos Islands
turtle and human embryos have a tail is true because of comparative embryology
Polar bear fur is better camouflage on ice than brown fur is an example of adaptation
after returning from his voyage, Darwin assumed south African finches changed after coming to the Galápagos Islands
evolution is the change of species over time
cheetahs suffered a dramatic drop in population, they rebounded in number to create a population of genetically similar animals. this is an example of bottleneck
the first conclusion Darwin made after returning was that natural selection was the evolutionary mechanism for species change
a feather is a bird trait that is an example of a derived trait
cytochrome c provides a broad-ranged comparison of evolutionary relationships because the molecule experienced little change over long periods of history
if 100 people isolated themselves on an island, their genetic make up after several generations would be determined by the founder effect
Darwin referred to the selective breeding of domesticated animals as artificial selection
the evolution of an elongated beak in birds is an example of adaptation
peacocks developing large tails, as a result of long-tailed males being selected more frequently by females is called sexual selection
the breeding of larger tomato plants by farmers is artificial selection
the speciation of 5 modern tiger species from one ancestral species is called evolution
studying the structures of organisms during early stages of development is called comparative embryology
if an organism doesn't adapt to a certain feature that is necessary for survival, it'll result in death
the DNA similarities within a population that appears as though they have been inbred is called bottleneck
genetic equilibrium is constant allele frequencies in a population
bottleneck is the reduction in a number of alleles, resulting in a population that is genetically similar
founder effect is a small, separated population with a unique genetic make up