Earth is broken into numerous pieces called "Plates"
Lithosphere consists the Crust and the UpperMantle
Crust - Made of variety of rocks like Sedimentary, Metamorphic & Igneous; average density of 2.8g/cm³; has a thickness of 5-50km
Kinds of Crust
ContinentalCrust - Thicker but less dense; Forms and contains the large landmasses; Consist of Granite
OceanicCrust - Below the Ocean; Consist of Basalt; Very Dense
7 Large Plates
North AmericanPlate
South AmericanPlate
ConvergentPlateBoundary - Moving towards to each other; Philippineplate and Eurasianplate are moving towards to each other
DivergentPlateBoundary - Moving apart/Moving away to each other
Transform Fault Plate Boundary - Slide/Grind past each other; Example of this is the SANANDREASFAULT (Hawaii) which is bounded by NorthAmericanplate & pacificplate
Crust - Thinnest and outermost layer ot the eart; Extend from the surface to about 32km below.Divided into two:
ContinentalCrust - made up of silicion, oxygen, aluminum, calcium, sodium, andpotassium; has a thickness of 38-40km; less dense(granite)
OceanicCrust - 7-10km Thick; Found under the Ocean Floor; Dense(Basalt); Heavier than the continental
Mantle - Extends to abour 2900km from earth; 50% of the earth and volume is about 68%; made of silicon, oxygen, iron and magnesium; outermost rigid shell called "Lithosphere" (50-100km)
Astenosphere - Beneath the Listhosphere (300-800°c)
Core - Divided into two layers:
InnerCore - Radius of 1300km; 5000°C temperature; Pressure Freezing
OuterCore - 2900km below the earth; 2250km Thick; Made of iron and nickel; Temperature reach about 2000°C
Seismicwaves -waves that travel through the earth and are caused by earthquake
Earthquake - A vibrator produced by the rapid release of energy
In the form of Seismic Waves energy radiates all direction from the focus which is recorded in the SEISMOGRAPHS.
Types of Waves
BodyWaves - travel through interior of the earth
SurfaceWaves - travel across the surface of the earth
Two types of Surface waves
LoveWave - A.E.H Love (AugustusEdwardHoughLove) a british mathematician; Faster than Reyleigh Wave; Side to Side horizontal motion; case the most damage.
ReyleighWave - Named after JohnWilliamStrutt (Lord Reyleigh); Predicted in 1885; Rolls along the ground; Up&down or side to side; Most of the shaking
Two types of Body Waves:
P-waves (PrimaryWaves) - Faster than S-wave; Reaches the detector first; also called COMPRESSIONALWAVES; backward & forward: compress & expanded; travel through SOLIDS, LIQUIDS, AND GAS
S-waves (SecondaryWaves) - Also called SHEARWAVES; Travels Slower than P-waves; cannot travel though LIQUID; moves shear or transverse wave
P-Wave - Can travel through Liquid, Solid, Gas
S-wave - Cannot travel through Liquid
SeismicWaves- Radiate from the Focus
Waves bend due to change in Density
As depth increases, density also increases
Divergent Boundaries
Formation of RiftValleys&OceanicRidges
Crust is splitting/movingawayfromeachother
Underwater mountain ranges called "OCEANICRIGDES"
2-20cm/ peryear is the spreading rate at those ridge
Divergence of SouthAmericanPlate and AfricanPlate
RiftValleys are associated with the rising of hot materials in mantle
Divergence Boundary (Oceanic Plates) Geological features
Divergence Boundary (Continental Plates)
Geologic Features
FormationofRiftValley (continental - continental)
Volatile Material - Water it allows to rise and reach the crush causing volcanic activities
Convergent Boundaries (Oceanic Crust) Geologic Features
Trench (SubmarineValleys) - Deepest part
Philippine Trench - With a depth of 10540Meters
ShallowEarthquake - 60km of the earth surface
IntermediateEarthquake - 60km-300km below the earth surface
DeepEarthquake - 300-700km Below the earth surface
Converging oceanic plates will cause
Tsunami(harbor wave)
VolcanicIslandArc - chain of volcanoes in arc shape ( oceanic - oceanic)
Sources of molten materials are called - "Mantle Plume"
HarryHess&RobertDietz - suggested an explanation to continental drift theory which is the SeaFloor Spreading
Hot less dense material rises towards the surface at the MidOceanRidge