Paper 2 Families and Households

Cards (45)

  • Functionalism = Parsons (family functions) - 1951

    Expressive role (women) - warmth, emotional support
    Instrumental role (men) - Financial support
    Warm bath theory = women destress men'
    Structurally isolated' due to geographical mobility, higher social mobility, wealth and welfare state, meritocracy, economic and status diff, stronger bonds between partners
  • Functionalism = Murdock (family functions)

    4 functions : Economic (man provides, women domestic), sex regulation (regulate urges), education (socialisation), reproduction (Reproduce children)
  • Marxism = Engels (family structure)

    Monogamous nuclear family necessary to pass on wealth and property to heirs.
  • Feminists = Sommerville
    Radical feminists fail to deal with patriarchal structures
  • Feminists = Greer
    Generalisations not backed up by evidence.
  • Feminists = David Morgan
    Generalisations not backed up by evidence.
  • Post Modernist = Lyotard (1984) and Baudrillard (2001)

    Society is rapidly changing and full of uncertainties
  • Post Modernism = David Morgan
    'Pointless' to talk about family as it is constantly changing, you can't generalise.
  • Individualism = Hart - 1976
    Divorce = reaction to frustration of working women
  • Individualism = Giddens
    'Pure relationship' - relationships based on choice and equality
  • Individualism = Stacey
    Greater freedom of choice benefit women
  • Individualism = Levin - 2004
    Life course is compulsory Strong social norms mean there is a 'proper way to live
  • Individualism = Allan and Crow - 2001

    There was a standard life course up to the 1960s
  • Individualism = Sue Sharpe
    Conducted interviews with young girls in 70s and 90s
    70s = Family+marry
    90s = Career
  • Individualism = Lewis - 2001

    No such thing as typical family
  • Individualism = Giddens and Beck

    Traditional social structures lost influence over decisions. Been freed from traditional roles and structures
    More family diversity, choices based on meanings.
    Due to contraception and feminism
  • Individualism = Smart - 2007
    Individualisation exaggerates extent of family decline, personal lives and family ties involve strong bonds
  • Individualism = Chambers - 2012
    Not all aspects of tradition have declined, still cereal packet family.
  • New Right = Murray - 1989
    Welfare state and dependency created underclass, undermines personal responsibility and lone women have children they can't afford.
  • New Right = Murray and Marsland - 1989

    More lone parents = Dependency culture
    'Yob' culture, benefit fraud, drug abuse
  • Ethnicity = Mackie charles - 2008

    Extended family is all but extinct
  • Ethnicity = Wilmott- 1998

    'Dispersed extended family' meaning that relatives are geographically separated, but maintain contact
  • Ethnicity = Chamberlain - 1999
    Caribbean families have 'multiple nuclear families'.
  • Ethnicity = Mirza - 1997
    Black families - Matriarchal families due to more independence
  • Ethnicity = Reynolds - 2010

    Black families - Stats are misleading as many 'lone parents' are in stable relationships - not cohabiting
  • Ethnicity = Ballard - 1982

    Extended family provided important support among Asian migrants in 1950-60
  • Ethnicity = Berthoud
    Mixed marriages are widely accepted among Caribbeans
  • Same sex = Allen and Crow
    Same sex households are commonplace
  • Same sex = Week et al - 1999
    Same sex couples see households as 'chosen families'
    Negotiate tasks
  • Young and Wilmott - 1973

    Family life gradually improving, more democratic
  • Finch and Mason - 1993
    Over 90% had given and received financial help and 1/2 cared for a sick relative. More females than males
  • Cheal - 2002
    'Systematic set of rules' exists for deciding who has the greatest obligation to assist. Spouse, daughter, daughter in law then son.
  • Bott - 1957
    Segregated conjugal roles (separated roles) and joint conjugal roles (shared roles)
  • Gershuny and Laurie - 2000
    By 1995, 70% of couples said they had an equal say in decisions, but there was a significant trend that women who were high earning were more likely to have a say
  • Kan et al - 2011
    Men's contribution to housework is masculine + non-routine
  • Elston - 1980
    Even when working women are expected to take major responsibility for housework, look after ill children and childcare arrangements.
  • Harkness - 2005
    Found that working mothers with children put twice as many hours into housework as their partners
  • Ann oakley - 1974

    Young + Wilmott are unconvincing, 72% of men claimed to help with housework, could mean 1 a week. No convincing evidence.
  • Taylor - Gooby - 2000
    Family isn't symmetrical because he found mothers though they should stay at home + watch kids.
  • Edgell - 1980
    Women sole responsibility for decision making only in unimportant things : home decor, clothes, domestic spending.