emphasises the futility of actions throughout the poem due to God's omniscience. It also helps show the value of free-will, god is not preventing humanity from being tempted.
'I shall temper so / justice with mercy'
the son. Son willing to show mankind mercy - almost seen as a heroic act. Milton's ultimate hero he has in mind is Jesus.
'methinks i feel new strength within me rise, wings growing, and dominion given me'
sin. The sense of ambition and opportunity growing at the expense of the fall. Link to Eve thinking she is growing wings when she eats the fruit. Negative perception of women in general. Also ambition to rule dominion links to milton's anti-monarchy attitude
'a greater power now ruled him, punished in the shape he sinned'
shows gos supremacy over satan and the realisation that there is nothing satan can do to combat it. Satan is not heard of after the moment. It emphasises how the notion of Satan's heroism cannot be sustained.
'out of my sight, thou serpent!'
this was in response to Eve trying to improve things between the two of them. Extremely misogynistic response - comparing her to satan as devious and not to be trusted.
'a rib/crooked by nature'
Adam's misogyny
context - Joseph Swetnam - the arraignment - 'women are crooked by nature'
'let us seek death'
Eve displaying suicidal thoughts in response to the fall - selfish tendencies? rash decision making?
'his hands/clothed us unworthy, pitying while he judged'
Adam's epiphany. Stops the story of paradise lost from turning into a tragedy. Also re-emphasises Adam's higher level of understanding and intelligence to Eve when compared to her reaction
"The serpent subtlest beast of all the field."
P.L B9 Satan hides in a snake. Highlights that he aims to rebel sneakily. Ambition, defiance, deception
- a convincing argument for a modern feminist reader - why is it that a constant sense of inferiority is attached with the idea of gender - eve wants to change this