
Cards (20)

  • When was denunciation of images in London introduced under Edward 

    February 1547
  • When were the first set of injections under Edward
    July 1547
    these attacked popular and traditional catholic practices
    e.g. Banning holy water
  • When and why did Edward commission the dissolution of chantries and religious guilds 

    December 1547
    money was needed for Somersets foreign policy with Scotland
  • When was Archbishop Cramners Book of Common Prayer and what did it do
    May 1549
    provided a single form of service which was translated into English
  • When was the more radical book of common prayer introduced
    April 1552
    was pushed for by John Hopper Bishop of Gloucester
  • when were Cramners 42 Articles of Religion and why were they ineffective
    June 1553
    However Edward died in July and once succeeded by Mary wernt Implemented
  • What diodes were combined to increase royal income
    Gloucester and Worcester
  • When did the government start collecting church plate under Edward
  • What religious laws were passed at the first meeting of parliament under Mary 

    First meeting October 1553
    Religious laws under Edward repealed
    Order of service at time of Henry VIII death restored
    All clergy who married when permitted to could be deprived of their livings
    Legal status of the Church of England upheld
  • When did Cardinal Pole arrive in England and what was his role 

    November 1554
    Became legate and Archbishop of Canterbury
  • How did Mary reinstate Papal Supremacy
    Heresy laws were restored in 1554 by the Act of Repeal. 
    • Denying the papal supremacy was a heresy punishable by death. -The Act of Supremacy was passed in 1555.
  • When was the Act of Supremacy and Act of Uniformity passed under Elizabeth
  • What did the Act of Supremacy 1559 do 

    Restored legal position of crown over church
    Papal supremacy was rejected and 1536 reformation legislation restored
    Powers of royal visitation of church revived
    Queen Supreme Governor not Supreme Head of church
    Oath of Supremacy taken by clergymen
  • What did the 1559 Act of Uniformity do

    Use of single Book of Common Prayer but had 2 modifications to allow variations Eucharistic Belief
    Ornaments and Minister should be same as 2nd year of Edward reign
    • however Calvinist clergy saw ornaments as ‘popish’
  • When were the royal injunctions under Elizabeth introduced
  • How did Elizabeth check injunctions being followed 

    Sent 125 commissioners to tour the country to check
  • What did the injunctions do 

    Emphasised ‘suppression of superstition
    • Removal of all things superstitions like candles and pilgrimages
    • Parish churches have English bible (1538 injunctions)
    • Disapproval of clergy marriage
    • Communion table not Alter used for Eucharist
  • What were the issues of Elizabeth’s settlement 

    Puritan Choir in HofC forced Queen into more Protestant settlement
    • Settlement didn’t mention doctrine
  • When were the 39 Article of Religion and what did they do 

    • defined difference between Church of England and Catholic Church
    • abandoned briars comprehensive approach
  • Impact of religious Developments under Elizabeth
    • Protestant exiles returned and Protestant appointments of new bishops like Mathew Parker Archbishop of Canterbury December 1559
    • disapproved of clergy marriage but settlement preserved musical culture
    • settlement defined relationship between crown and state
    • Fundamental Paradox- supporters ensured their loyalty but Elizabeth had slightly conservative approach