prelude- explanations

Cards (6)

  • "I heeded not the summons"
    • pays no acknowledgement to the sun effectively telling him to stay at home
    • wanted to be out in nature
    • rebels by not going home
    • shows his youthful excitement and enthusiasm
  • "I wheel'd about"
    • verb signifies freedom and youth
    • implies an almost effortless movement
    • carefree with large amounts of energy
    • typical image of a child enjoying nature
  • "Like an untir'd horse"
    • simile conveys his energy and strength
    • image of a wild, galloping horse, idyllic
  • "The Pack loud bellowing"
    • pack capitalised to show significance to his friends
    • wild and energetic
    • as loud as wolves or worked together as one body like wolves do
    • loves nature as much as animals do
  • "And not a voice was idle"
    • everyone taking part and enjoying nature without exception
    • nobody was excluded and they all enjoyed it equally
  • "The orange sky of evening died away"
    • sun is now setting
    • Wordsworth associated this with sadness
    • day is gone which could represent the loss of his childhood innocence
    • mood is melancholy- reflects he can't experience this any longer
    • nostalgic feeling of loss of youth