paper 1

Cards (33)

  • Conservative plate margin
    two tectonic plates slide past eachother
  • Constructive plate margin
    where rising magma adds new material to plates that are moving apart and created a new oceanic plate
  • Destructive plate margin
    where two plates are coming together
  • Epicentre
    the point on the Earths surface where earthquake waves radiate outwards
  • Monitoring (of a natural hazard)
    recording physical changes to help forecast when and where a natural disaster may happen
  • Planning (of a natural hazard)
    enables communities to respond and recover from natural disasters
  • Prediction (of a natural hazard)
    attempts to forecast when and where a natural disaster will happen to warn the communities
  • Protection (of a natural hazard)
    actions taken before a natural disaster to reduce its impact
  • Global atmospheric circulation
    the worldwide system of winds which transport heat from tropical to polar altitudes
  • Mitigation
    action taken to reduce the long term risk to human life and properties from natural disasters
  • Consumer
    an animal that eats animal and/or plant matter
  • Decomposer
    an organism such as bacterium or fungus that breaks down dead tissue which is recycled to the environment
  • Producer
    an organism or plant that can absorb energy from the sun through photosynthesis and then provides nutrition to animals that eat them
  • Commercial farming
    farming to sell produce for a profit to retailers or food processing companies
  • Leaching
    when rain washes the nutrients and minerals out of the soil making it infertile
  • Selective logging
    the cutting down of trees that are older to encourage the growth of the remaining trees
  • Substinence farming
    agriculture producing food and materials only for the use of the farmer and their family
  • Abrasion
    pebbles grinding over a rocky platform
  • Attrition
    erosion caused when rocks and boulders in water bang into eachother and break into smaller pieces
  • Corrasion
    fragments of rock are picked up by waves and thrown into the cliff face
  • Dune regeneration

    action taken to build up dunes and increase vegetation (marram grass) to strengthen them
  • Groyne
    a wooden barrier built into the sea and up the beach to decrease longshore drift
  • Hard engineering
    the use of concrete and large artificial structures to defend the land against natural erosion processes
  • Sea wall
    a concrete wall which aims to prevent erosion of the coastby providing a barrier
  • Soft engineering
    managing erosion by working with natural processes to help restore beaches and coastal ecosystems
  • Wave cut platform
    a rocky shelf at sea level representing the base of old retreated cliffs
  • Estuary
    the tidal mouth of a river where it meets the sea
  • Interlocking spurs
    a series of ridges/hills projecting out on either side of a valley around a river
  • Levees
    an embankment of sediment along the bank of a river can be natural or man-made
  • Saltation
    particles/small pebbles bouncing on the river bed
  • Solution
    particles dissolved in the water
  • Suspension
    small material carried along in the water
  • Traction
    rolling boulders along the river bed